KONA77 said:
this is the official head count for the BAY CITY RALLY 2010, please no comedy... we have been buying the fajitas and at this time need to know who is making this gathering, and with that said, onto the need to know info....
1. The Colorado river and Bay City Park " Letulle Park" is on the west side of Bay City on HWY 35
2. For the people that plan to show on Saturday and are gonna stay at a Hotel there are two on the East side of the River on HWY 35
A.) the first is Bay City Inn....ph # 979.245.0985
B.) the second is Best Western..... ph # 979.244.5400
3. For those that are going to stay in an RV..... it will be Bert's RV, ph # 979.245.2840, on the west side of the river about one to two miles on the North side of HWY 35 and in front of the park and Birding Center
NOTE: YOU WILL TAKE HWY 35 SOUTH TO THE RIVER, if coming from the Houston Area, IF coming from Corpis and Victoria Area you will be on HWY 35 north and be carefull not to pass it up
4. For those that are coming in on Saturday and want to pop a tent or bring out a boat at my place CALL 979.429.6105 or 979.429.6117... if no answere please leave a message... !
NOTE: due to the season please make reservations NOW!, we have more Hotels and will post the numbers so stay tuned
If I have forgot anything I will be Posting more info. or Post for more info.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: the Rally is on
Sunday and the MEET AND EAT IS AT LETULLE PARK ON HWY 35 AT 10:00 AM, we are having Fajitas