Ft.Worth ( Cowtown) Boat Race Cancelled

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Well it is official that the Ft.Worth ( Cowtown ) boat race has been cancelled for this year 2010. That sucks. I bought a new driving suit and a new Lifeline jacket and helmet restraints so I could try and run it this year . Oh well , I needed a good jacket for the boat anyway .

Here is the link .. Sound like they will be back up and running in 2011.. Maybe my boat will still be running then ..



73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Yes it does. This is a race that I take my dad to every year and it going to suck not to go . It only take 40 minutes from the house to get there  . .. Just wish they would do it earlier in the year . It get hot there with minimum shade .. I guess I will try for the Waco race next year . It a lot nicer ther anyway . lots of shade trees ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Hopefully the first race of 2011 if they get Cameron Park finished . It is completely torn up right now for a renovation .. I heard yesterday they ran out of money already, so who know if it will be ready for 2011..
Sure hope so . I really would like that to be my first race . They have a Test and Tune on Friday for like $50.00.. That makes it worth the trip there ..

It the best place that I have been to for a race .


New member
Cool have to check it out, let me know when you go, i'd like to go watch, and if you need a hand in the pits or something I can do that to.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am going to need a lot of help since I have never done a professional race.. I just want to run the clocks and see what the boat will actually do on the clocks . I am asking a lot of question to get ready . I guess I will just have to pretend I am racing at the River this year .. I think it is more fun just playing at the River than a Professional race . You can;t get in the water to cool off and have fun at a race .. 


Active member
Brazos River Rat said:
I am going to need a lot of help since I have never done a professional race.. I just want to run the clocks and see what the boat will actually do on the clocks . I am asking a lot of question to get ready . I guess I will just have to pretend I am racing at the River this year .. I think it is more fun just playing at the River than a Professional race . You can;t get in the water to cool off and have fun at a race ..

Are you planning on running at Marble Falls?


Active member
I was hoping to have mine ready to run for Marble Falls but now it is beginning to look like a pipe dream. The whole project has started to domino on me  (imagine that lol) and I don't want to rush it just for one race. Even if the boat doesn't happen, I will be there as a spectator.


New member
Brazos River Rat said:
I am going to need a lot of help since I have never done a professional race.. I just want to run the clocks and see what the boat will actually do on the clocks . I am asking a lot of question to get ready . I guess I will just have to pretend I am racing at the River this year .. I think it is more fun just playing at the River than a Professional race . You can;t get in the water to cool off and have fun at a race ..
nex time you go to the river wear you'r fire suite and helmet , have a budy hold you'r boat for about 15 min. this is best done in 100 degree heat . :smile26:  this will give you a good idea as to what happen's on the holding roap . :smile20:  LOL  i use to carry a towel with me and dip it in the water then drape it over my helmet on those extended stay's on the holding rope. sure did help .  :smile17:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am planning on doing exactly that this summer , get fully suited up in the fire suit, jacket  , helmet and restrants and gloves and see exactly how bad it going to be . That is what my buddy did also , he would take a big towel and put cold water and ice in it and wrap around his neck ..

I am concern about the heat out there and the time you may spend on the ropes .

Hell it might not ever happen , but I would like to do it at least once to see what the boat will do ..


Active member
might wanna try practicing pulling your boat around with a rope too....it ain't as easy as it looks. Oh, and wear the driving gloves, I got rope burn 1st time out..lol

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I was asking Tony Anderson ( ex Blown Gas Flat Driver ) those question just a few days ago and he gave me some real good pointers on a few thing that I would not have thought of relating to the holding rope .

Are you allowed to stand up to pull the boat out to the starting area . That would make it a lot easier . I seen a few do it , but not very many . Just have to remember to hook the kill switches back up ..

Yeah , I need to get me a pair of racing gloves, That is on the to do list . i will need to get an new helmet too . My Snell rating is too old with the new rules 


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Standing up sounds like it would be easier . I guess i will just have to try both ways if I ever get to a race event with the boat running .. 

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Not much room in there I know  , I was just thinking of different way to try stuff . Might not be enough room in mine . I will have to try it one weekend at the river and see if there is enough room in mine , maybe in the center section in front of the v-drive box ??.. Sitting may be the best way ..

The way it looks , I might catch a race in 2011.. I heard the city of Waco ran out of money or the contractor ran out of money redoing Cameron Park,So who knows if Waco will be a go for next year again . ..


Active member
Brazos River Rat said:
Not planning on racing there  . Might go and watch ..

Why not race Marble Falls? I too will be new to "real" racing so I am just curious if there is a reason or something I don't know about racing there.