okmulgee, ok. boat bash


New member
blazeracer said:
Someone in Oklahoma has great taste!! I almost posted wtihout reading down to see what Matt wrote.. That CVX in the pic also has the original vinyl still in it.

I'm a fan of the PE 2050 "Pisston in the wind" Making a 140 mph pass in the back ground.

Last Mohecian

Hammer or Hillbilly,  Are you going to start an official thread in your club section over at PB about this event?  I have been talking to a guy over on iBoats that wants to come check it out.  He has a pretty cool old SleekCraft outboard he restored.  Even though it's not a V8, I'm pretty sure you guys would welcome him.  He is close to Eufaula.

(Clickable thumb)

Here is a link to his 70+ page restoration thread.


New member
Last Mohican said:
Hammer or Hillbilly,  Are you going to start an official thread in your club section over at PB about this event?  I have been talking to a guy over on iBoats that wants to come check it out.  He has a pretty cool old SleekCraft outboard he restored.  Even though it's not a V8, I'm pretty sure you guys would welcome him.  He is close to Eufaula.

(Clickable thumb)

Here is a link to his 70+ page restoration thread.

yes he is defiantly welcome, we have a few other fast outboards that hang out up there too..

he can check out some pics from past events on the link below, i beleive jeff said the reggetta is going to be the weekend of august 6th.


he or anyone can get a hold of hammer (jeff Bailey) anytime to find out more info, when we start getting closer to the time it will be posted all over the place on performance boat website... if anyone wants to get a hold of jeff just send me a PM and i'll give you his number as he is the prez of OHBA (Okmulgee Hot Boat Association)


New member
Last Mohican said:
Hammer or Hillbilly,  Are you going to start an official thread in your club section over at PB about this event?  I have been talking to a guy over on iBoats that wants to come check it out.  He has a pretty cool old SleekCraft outboard he restored.  Even though it's not a V8, I'm pretty sure you guys would welcome him.  He is close to Eufaula.

(Clickable thumb)

Here is a link to his 70+ page restoration thread.

Yeah man, I started an Offical Hot boat bash thread over on PB under the OHBA clubs page. Mainly Im going to use it to post the minutes of the meetings, answer questions, and take ideas from the folks that cant attend the meeting but come to the bash.

We have some exciting things planned this year. had our meeting with the state last week. We didnt get everything we wanted but they did what they could to accomodate. So we are working around what they are going to let us do. If things work out its going to be a really good time. Took a few ideas from some of the threads on here and some of what Blaze was talking about and working in that direction. Their main gripe was the noise abatement issues. SO BRING YOUR BAFFLES.

I'll post more when info as I get it.

not the best pic's but some from when I was there.






New member
Interested in attending your event in Aug. Also the trailer to stay in. this is War Monkey from Texas but livin in Norman until I can find my way home.  crazy.gif Have been wanting to attend for the last few years but shit happens... Need more info about who to contact about the tailer and camp site. Running a 06 Warhawk TX-19.


New member
Ok guys, I dont have all the info yet but here's what I do have.

When: August 6th
Where: Okmulgee State Park

If you have been there before then you pretty much know the deal. But for those who dont. Annually the OHBA has a giant party for all performance boaters in the area, Saturday we are going to start with a brief drivers/safety meeting to let folks in on the do's and don't on our lake, then it will be a meet and greet, till about 2pm thats when we will serve everybody attending a home smoked BBQ dinner. After we are all stuff full of BBQ and everybody weighs 5lbs more we are going to have a little radar run (like last year) with a lane marked off and a designated spectator area. Then about the time the sun is going down and everybody is that custom shade of sunburnt we are renting the brand new pavilion the state park just built to have a live band come out and help us get the after party going till 10pm, then we can retire back to the camp grounds and finish the night off proper.

This is not a closed event, Oklahoma state boating regulations do apply and will be enforced, so please make sure your legal. You will be responsible for yourself.

But we still have a very large time, and have never had any problems. Last year there were about 70 boats in the water.

This is a family friendly event, there will be children there.

Just remember this is a party for you, we're just throwing it, so come and enjoy! ON US!!!

The plans are still developing and things will be added or changed right up the day of the event so stay tuned.

Here are a few important phone numbers

Okmulgee State Park office --> 918-756-5971
Holiday Inn Express --> 918-756-0100
Best Western --> 918-756-9200


New member
soldier of fortune said:
so what are the oklahoma boating rules? like say headers?

on this lake you have to have water injected OT headers or baffles, BUT, they have to be watered ALL THE TIME EVEN AT IDLE so its best to throw in some baffles/silencers to be on the safe side and they wont bother you...........


New member
soldier of fortune said:
so what are the oklahoma boating rules? like say headers?

Ok hears what came from the meeting with the park ranger.  Over the transom headers must have baffles.  Though transome such as snails or the I/O type have to have water at all times.  But by all means. Please use the number I posted to call and ask Roger weirick. He's the park director. 


New member
soldier of fortune said:
i have never seen a set of headers mist at idle. so if i run my r2000 baffles that is good enough? i dont run water

1 more note, they dont have a DB meter, just sayin.


New member
well guess if I want to go to this deal going to have to find some baffles I have one the other is between Dallas and plowmans LOL..  And my headers dont mist water until its above 1200 rpms  David I think Bobby has your NUMBER bro. hahahaha..  David how far is it from wylie area to the boat bash?  Sounds like an event not to miss out on pics look good and the boat ramp is right there as well NICE..


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Motor Head said:
Its on my list of events  this summer!!!! jump.gif

cool, i can 100% garauntee who comes to this event will have the best time of their life.....and i'll be there even if i do sale my jet,


New member
cool deal ... I'll probly have to bring the slow boat unless Project A is ready by then its just been too hot to work on it ...