R/C Madness


New member
sturat said:
KONA77 said:
Sturat there was one on FM 518 not sure if it's still there

where abouts on 518?

man i'll have to look it up....  i think its east of 288,  never really been there just called them about something, and had their address but it's been awhile  think.gif


New member
Sturat... here it is Pearland R/C
                            7434 Broadway
                              Pearland Tx 77584
PH 888 874 0905


New member
looks like santa is going to bring a savage XL to the huffman house hurry.gif

WTF am i thinking another toy oh well you only live once right???



New member
KONA77 said:
Sturat... here it is Pearland R/C
                            7434 Broadway
                              Pearland Tx 77584
PH 888 874 0905
Thanks Kona not just for the info but for the bug.. well maybe i should blame Duane for that tard!!!!!!!! jump.gif