Here's my collection of completed aircraft - there are 5 or 6 still under construction, I'll get them posted when they are done.
I will also be building a quadcopter for aerial video use...but that will be on the back burner for a little while. I still need to do some more research on them, and save up some money.
Scratch built foamy SE5
Scratch built foamy DR1
Patriot glider - began life as a $1.69 foam glider from Bed, Bath, and Beyond
GWS Slow Stick - with V-tail and flaperons
HPI Delta Twin - complete with red Sharpie stripes
Dynaflite Piece O Cake - 72" wingspan electric motor glider, powered by an AXI 2808
Great Planes Big Stik 60 - 66" wingspan, powered by an AXI 4120
Sig Kadet Sr - 78" wingspan, powered by an AXI 4120
Parkzone Mini Vapor
Parkzone Minium Cessna 210
Nine Eagles Micro P47
Twister Skylift (Chinook CH47)
Blade MSR
And the controller...a Futaba 9Z