R/C Madness


Active member
I have little blisters on my thumbs from the sim's transmitter sticks.....I think I'm ready....  :smile20: :smile28:


Duanehydro said:
I have little blisters on my thumbs from the sim's transmitter sticks.....

Are you sure they're from the sim or are they little burns from???.....well, you know. Lol.


Active member
pluma 3d bipe is my favorite. extra 300 27%, and the trainer. I can handle these planes well., the others, well so-so.
knife edge, rolls, flips, stalls.....dead stick landings, over and over...lol

Been flying alot indoors with the pluma to learn distances and depth.


Active member
for a good challenge, I'll fly outdoors with the wind @ 22mph, and fly the foamie.... :smile16: THAT takes control.. crazy.gif  It's been a lot of fun, ready to try it for real.


New member
keep practicing,  i sure hope i get to see your first real flight..... it's gonna be a real charge  :smile27:


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Whatever?  What does that mean?  No, it's not the picture of my airplane but, it looks EXACTLY the same.

BTW, nice canoe!  lol.


Active member
Well, if I don't get sick by this weekend, (Alex has the flu) I would like to fly.  We always fly on Sunday but, the weather forecast for this Sunday sucks.  Anyone want to fly Saturday?