R/C Madness


Active member
No, we also get together and play with land toys....no racing for me, but I have a 1/8 buggy , savage, 2 rc10gts, 1 rc10t4


Active member
sturat said:
Savage XL here no racing just been waiting on a back ordered part since Feb  :smile29:
What do ya need? http://cgi.ebay.com/HPI-Savage-XL-Three-Speed-Transmission-New-and-Complete-/230622349507?pt=Radio_Control_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b229c8c3


New member
I need pt# 1816 I think that is the # it is the shaft that runs thru the tranny. When u add a reverse mod the shaft I shorter. The truck has both included new but when the person added reverse they threw out the longer one. It is a 12 part but on b/o until June.


Active member
yup, drop in and play...they sell all over e-bay for about $60 new. Keep the old one for parts. It's more than 12 bucks, lol, but what good is it doing on the shelf?

Besides, it's about time to put together another r/c weekend. :smile30:


New member
Duanehydro said:
yup, drop in and play...they sell all over e-bay for about $60 new. Keep the old one for parts. It's more than 12 bucks, lol, but what good is it doing on the shelf?

Besides, it's about time to put together another r/c weekend. :smile30:

Well because that is the easy and smart thing to do, and you know that does not fit me.
A.K.A Short Bus...  :smile28:


Staff member
Man I have driven past the Parrot place a couple of time, didn't know they had good grub. And yes a RC weekend  needs to happen again. I think we need to twist Tim's arm, and try to do something at his place. It's great for plane,trains,and automobiles. think.gif


Active member
Patchman said:
Man I have driven past the Parrot place a couple of time, didn't know they had good grub. And yes a RC weekend  needs to happen again. I think we need to twist Tim's arm, and try to do something at his place. It's great for plane,trains,and automobiles. think.gif

Anytime!  jump.gif

I just need a little heads up so I can go out there and mow the dirt.  lol

Last Mohecian

Here is one for you RC guys.



New member
Hey Duane, Not sure how far you've come with this disease but here are some Ideas for you if you have gotten this far, Both are Hanger 9 ARF's, I run a Saito 72 fs in the 40 Twist and a Super Tigre G.61 in the Ultra stick, They are both a Blast to fly! The Ultra has quad control surfaces on the wing and can be a wild Mofo! The twist is a 3-D blast! (not that I can hover it yet but close, not using Gyro) These are my choice for the smaller planes. I am currently building a 34% Extra 300L and have multitude of others, It is a sickness, the Radial is the ASP 400R, I don't have a Plane for it yet. I just recently picked up a Super Tigre 4500 (45cc)From Ebay for $100 Bux and a Super Tigre Twin G6000 (60cc) for $250 Bux! Both are perfect! also no ship for them yet but I am looking! We fly in East Bernard @ my brothers place. (He is also stricken)  crazy.gif


New member
Oh, and I have been doing this for round 20 years and can still crash with the best of them!
If your scared to crash it, Don't fly it!  :smile17:


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I've only flown 6 times so far, 2 times resulted in crashes... :smile15:

waiting on cooler weather to build another. :smile30:


New member
Duanehydro said:
I've only flown 6 times so far, 2 times resulted in crashes... :smile15:

waiting on cooler weather to build another. :smile30:
I hear ya, I usually build in the hot summer months and fly in the cooler months, It's to damn hot to stand out there and listen to your Brain bake! I would rather do that out on the water! What are flying? Or rather "trying" to fly? I keep two Trainers around with us all the time with trainer cords to Snag unsuspecting on lookers into the sport!
Kinda "spread the infection" as it were. :smile30: