Race Fuel prices


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Shrek said:
Here's an article that has a lot of good info on pump gas, race fuel and ethanol fuels.
It was intended for 2 stroke bike riders but there is still a lot to learned from this article.


The article was an interesting read, however I am not sure what the final answer was supposed to be.

I don't claim to be an expert on AV gas, but I did a lot research while I was running it and found many inaccurate statements by writers and people relaying what they had heard, third hand.
The article tends to discourage the use of Av gas because it is designed for use in low powered, light airplanes.
I disagree.  It may be a matter of compared to what on size, but Av gas is and was used in C-47's, Mustangs, P-38's and B-17's, which I do not consider small and light weight unless they are compared to a 747.
These same planes used engines like the Merlin and Rolls Royce engines that are 1700 cubic inches and produce nearly 2000 horsepower at 3000 RPM.  Neither are low horsepower nor small.

AV gas is not the same as mogas, but it can be a very beneficial fuel when used properly.  It is lighter, so jet up accordingly.  If it burns slower, as do most race gas, advance the timing and / or use higher compression, it will burn faster or more completely.
It is like many fuels, tune the engine for what you're using.


New member
Patchman said:
HellinnFrnt said:
Patchman said:
That's why I won't build a race gas motor! I'm stuck with good ol slow super unleaded! :smile25:
That tub wouldn't be any faster with six race motors in it.......  :smile26:
Took you long enough! hurry.gif :smile16:

Had to wait for the barge to go by.  Also thought someone else might want to do it.. ....

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
galen said:
As far as E85 on Billys engine it would have been fine in my opinion. Honestly it was just errors on our part. carb, fuel volume, timing. Fuel volume being the main issue after talking to BLP and Mark Sullens. Leaning out on the big end. coupled with to much timing. Detonation killed it. E85 works when set up right, just look at EO and Jim.

Maybe one of these days I will go back to E-85 , If I do it will be with a belt driven fuel pump to make sure the supply of fuel is there .. But as I see it , I can buy a lot of race gas for what it cost me to repair my engine .. Anyway with limited water and limited budget this year , I think one drum of fuel will be enough for all summer ..


New member
We will stick to race gas for now Billy. I may try E85 on the Belvedere just as a test bed. Right now you can't hardly get it up here due to the drought and the plants shut down.  If you run out of fuel you know you are always welcome to use mine. I just want to see us on the water more this year. 


Active member
galen said:
We will stick to race gas for now Billy. I may try E85 on the Belvedere just as a test bed. Right now you can't hardly get it up here due to the drought and the plants shut down.  If you run out of fuel you know you are always welcome to use mine. I just want to see us on the water more this year.

Me Too!
The Dam jets are littering up the waterways.


New member
jimsplace said:
galen said:
We will stick to race gas for now Billy. I may try E85 on the Belvedere just as a test bed. Right now you can't hardly get it up here due to the drought and the plants shut down.  If you run out of fuel you know you are always welcome to use mine. I just want to see us on the water more this year.

Me Too!
The Dam jets are littering up the waterways.


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Galen ; Your second drum of C-14 should be in today .. I will swing by and pick it up once the fuel man calls me .. I will bring that drum to Kansas for you .. Debating if I want to pick up another drum of VP-110 for me for this summer ..

With the weather like it going to be this weekend , I am ready to get the engine back in ..Spring is coming , plus I love the time change . the extra daylight sure helps working on the boat after work .. 

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Galen - Got your second drum of C-14 for you ..Will bring when I make the trip to Kansas City soon ..

Man I love this guys garage that is a part of his house where I picked the fuel up from .. He has a 100 foot long garage with another bay the same size as a single car garage that is a part of his house .  .. That is where he has his engine Dyno . He was getting ready to Dyno a Blown Alcohol Injected BBC for  a tractor pull truck .. Plus he was working on a dirt track car setting up all the caster , camber and balancing it .. It was all up on a very nice lift .. I could only dream of owning his house ..

I had to ask what he pays in property tax on that place , he told me 1000.00 a month for taxes alone .. 12,000 a year for taxes .. That scared the hell out of me .. 

Sure wish we get some rain so we can get some water in the lake.. I will need to test drive the boat in about a month or sooner .. I hope >>> ..