Radio Receivers


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Knotty said:
Man y'all are going all hi-tech.  I was going to Wal-Mart.  think.gif

If you're going to use radios, why not just use your cell phone with ear buds?
Head set radios tend to not work well with helmets unless they're built into the helmet.
Try it, I think you'll see what i mean.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am getting ready to buy a Helmet . Can I just buy a Motorcycle helmet that is DOT and Snell approved ? What is the difference in a Standard Helmet and a Motorcycle Helmet ?


New member
Billy- snell info. at,  I just bought a new helmet from, it is a M2010snell certified helmet, full face, lots of vents, with extra flip up shield and cheesy bag for $113 and free shipping, also removable washable liner, not recommending it because I have not used it yet, just letting you know, as far as I could find out there are no U.S. made helmets, have fun looking at helmets there are about a million to choose from on the internet! hurry up Waco will be here before you know it!

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
That what I am trying to do is get this crap out of the way so I can start on changing the heads on the engine ..
I going to order the Nitro Bee radio receiver soon also , unless some one can tell me where I can just buy it .. I think Smiley's has them , so I can check there ..
Thanks on the info on the helmet .. Have you received it and how does it look ?


New member
yes got it , looks ok, has chin-forehead-top of head and back of head vents, inside padding seems adequate, I guess I will go ahead and drill holes in it to install head restraints  need lots of vents it gets plenty hot setting in the sun waiting for your run

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I may go and look for helmet this weekend and see what size will fit me and may order that same one you got on line . That is pretty cheap ..

I seen where the Waco race is supposed to be May 23-25 , Memorial Day weekend
Tentative for Fort Worth Ft Worth  is June 21  I bet it changes , only one week before San Angelo ..
San Angelo June 28th
Let me know how it goes drilling the holes for the restraint .. I will need pointers on that , where to drill ..


New member
not trying to steer you in any direction, the radios we use are Solo III racing scanner, $100, sold by, helmet website has measurement inst. that are good, drilling holes no problem just don't cover up any snell stickers on helmet, part # on helmet -YOSN957, I was wrong no free ship but $113 was correct


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what schedule are you looking at for Ft. Worth, also San Angelo will be a lucas race, don,t know yet about any SDBA dates except Waco

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Some one posted it on SDBA Facebook page yesterday . I think Garry Pain ..??
So I should go with the SOLO 3 receiver instead of the Nitro Bee . Rusty has the Nitro Bee , that why I was going with that one ..


New member
not recommending anything  just telling you what a couple of us use, all you are required to have is a receive only , not familier with Rustys radio, Pain-lol

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Do you know what Brian's uses for the radio ?  I can go look at his , he lives about 20 minutes from me .
Does the SOLO 3 have more option . I think it can receive two channels correct ..
I appreciate all info ..


New member
I believe he and Roger use one from Radio Shack, the solo 3 says it has 2 way radio interface module , what ever that is, the solo 3 is very small and easy to attach anywhere but you will wonder why $100


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Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I may go and look for helmet this weekend and see what size will fit me and may order that same one you got on line . That is pretty cheap ..

I seen where the Waco race is supposed to be May 23-25 , Memorial Day weekend
Tentative for Fort Worth Ft Worth  is June 21  I bet it changes , only one week before San Angelo ..
San Angelo June 28th
Let me know how it goes drilling the holes for the restraint .. I will need pointers on that , where to drill ..

There is information on what to look for in helmets on the web.  Do some research about what to look for and sizing.
One thing for sure, would be to get a helmet that is not large or loose when wearing it.
Air will get into it and try to lift it off your head at speed, when that happens the chin strap will want to choke you.
A loose helmet will also bounce around on your head and drive you nuts.
The helmet needs to be snug, but not to the point of being uncomfortable.
Another consideration is to make sure the helmet accommodates whatever eye protection you want, whether it's goggles or glasses.

One of the problems I ran into involved wearing polarized sunglasses and a face shield.
Because the plastic is bent, the polarizing of the glasses created a rainbow effect looking through the face shield.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Jim - It will be just like riding my fast bikes a few years back . Helmet needs to fit right or it will try and pull off your head ..I had my old bike to just over 160 and I know what the wind will do to the helmet ..
I will go down to my local Motorcycle shop and try on a few for measurements and then get one on line cheaper .. I think I will try and get a smoke face shield so I don't need to wear my sun glasses . Not sure , but will make sure sunglasses will still fit under the helmet also .. Just in case ..

I getting excited about this now .. Lifeline received my jacket yesterday and should be finished with it in 2-3 weeks . Doing some modifications to it and getting re-certified ..


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You probably know more about helmets than I do, whidh isn't much.
I have a couple and one seems to work better than the others.
Were your old helmets snell certified? 
If so, it seems I recall the snell dating could be fairly old.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Yeah - My old helmet are not up to dates for the Snell ratings .. Snell rating are normally good for 13 years .. I think mine are 2000 .. So need a 2005 or a 2010 Snell date

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I love playing at the river with the boat . I am sure it will be almost as much fun at the track . The problem I have is the cost .. I do not have a business to where I can write off the expenses for this .. At 750-1000 a race . Not sure I can swing it .. That eats into the maintenance and performance upgrades to the boat and the 67 Camaro and 68 Chevy  truck .. Got to keep those going also on my tight budget
I plan on getting a Snell 2010 helmet .. Might get the same one you got ..