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73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I just want to go out there and stand on it and outrun the person in the other lane. That is not how you do this ??  :smile18:

Just cut an .00 light  .. Like that is going to ever happen with me .. I be lucky to catch .50 or 1.0 light ..


Knotty Girl

New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I just want to go out there and stand on it and outrun the person in the other lane. That is not how you do this ??  :smile18:

Just cut an .00 light  .. Like that is going to ever happen with me .. I be lucky to catch .50 or 1.0 light ..

That is one skill I need improvement in to say the least.  :smile20:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
No I have not . I been to a lot of races and watched a lot . I know the concept .. Got to nail the light and then not go to fast and breakout .. You are not racing the person next to you , you are racing the clock ..

I know the first couple of Test and tunes will ball to the walls and see what she will do .. LOL
Like I stated before . This is just going to be for fun and I am not expecting to win .Mainly doing it so my Dad and I can say we did this . If I wanted to get serious I would need a lot of money ..
I think I will have more fun on Test and Tune day and Qualifying .. I will go out the first round on Sunday . That is OK . I will get a head start on getting home ..

Knotty Girl

New member
Dude I am pumped your coming out, it is going to be a blast.  clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif  Whitetrash we need to hang out some this season.


New member
Billy, make every pass you can at TNT to figure out lights and to see what your boat will do in the quarter. Don't even look at the other boat. I would start at maybe a solid 5 on the count down lites, thats 2.5 seconds to get to the start lite, then work from there.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
White trash Thanks for the info .. By the way . What is your name ?
I was going to leave on 6 the first time out and adjust from that . In case it stumbles or something ..

Knotty Girl

New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
White trash Thanks for the info .. By the way . What is your name ?
I was going to leave on 6 the first time out and adjust from that . In case it stumbles or something ..

I kick into gear on 8 leave on 6


Active member
Knotty said:
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
White trash Thanks for the info .. By the way . What is your name ?
I was going to leave on 6 the first time out and adjust from that . In case it stumbles or something ..

I kick into gear on 8 leave on 6

And how many races have you won?  LOL
Sorry, I couldn't help it, the door was wide open.

Seriously though, Billy is using the handle to go into gear and I think you're using an air shifter.
I don't know how it effects the leave point, but I would think it would.
Does it?

Keep the information coming, Billy is serious about this and anything to help a new person will be helpful.
Besides that, I want to know too.

Knotty Girl

New member
jimsplace said:
Knotty said:
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
White trash Thanks for the info .. By the way . What is your name ?
I was going to leave on 6 the first time out and adjust from that . In case it stumbles or something ..

I kick into gear on 8 leave on 6

And how many races have you won?  LOL
Sorry, I couldn't help it, the door was wide open.

Seriously though, Billy is using the handle to go into gear and I think you're using an air shifter.
I don't know how it effects the leave point, but I would think it would.
Does it?

Keep the information coming, Billy is serious about this and anything to help a new person will be helpful.
Besides that, I want to know too.


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Henry - so you are already moving a little before you nail it on 6 ? Like we do on the Lakes and Rivers ?
Rusty hits his at 6 on the clock and nails it, but I not sure when hew stabs it in gear  .. I know a V-Drive and jets are different on this . But I would like to hear from all who races on how and when you take off ..  I want to make sure mine in completely in gear before I nail it ..
Test and Tune  Day will tell me I guess what I need to do ..
Do they  give you Time Slips on Test and Tune days ? And how soon are they available to pick up for the SDBA truck ?
Also - on the take out holding ropes . Is it pretty easy to catch it or do you have to use a pedal to get yourself to it ? I have one of those billets paddle  in the boat , but it does not do much good and it will sink if I drop it .. Maybe I should get a one of those plastic expandable one for the races and mount it in the boat .


New member
Just tie a barefoot rope buoy to your paddle if you don't want to buy another one. It may be silly but I think about weight and material of anything "loose" in my boat. I'm sure you have something to hold the paddle but I would make sure it is very secure somewhere. I assume it weighs a couple few pounds so imagine what a 3 pound paddle would feel like hitting you at 100+! My $.02

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
White Trash PM sent with my cell number ..

Brian  - I could do that . I have never had the paddle come loose yet from all the stuff I have done so far .. I was thinking the plastic paddle would be lighter and I could secure it also .. It states in the rules  " all open boats , at the option of the driver, may have a paddle . securely mounted . within easy reach "
. Sure do not want one hitting me anywhere at those speeds ..

Knotty Girl

New member
Billy that is correct I have a air shifter when I engage it I do not move much it really is a engage pause stab.  You will figure out a system for you at test and tune.  Most of the time we get 4 passes.  You also get 3 qualifying rounds.  You actually can practice on the lake doing it. It is surprising when you get on the rope and the numbers start counting down how fast it goes.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Does everyone that try to qualify on Saturday makes it in for Sunday race .. Let say I am the slowest and they have too many boats , will I still get to run on Sunday . Do they have a max boat count for Sunday ? ..

I have heard that about how quick it goes when you are trying to keep the boat straight , start the  engine , clean the engine out , then stab it in gear at the right time ..
You start the engine when it goes solid amber or Blinking amber ?