Steel Creek ( Whitney Lake ) June 1st and 2nd


New member
Weather held off yesterday and turned out to be awesome. Saw JJ and Billy there, plus the guy that bought Gary's Baja and Formula ZR with his LS powered Liberator......

Oh and NINE boats from Lavon. Would have been cool to see a few more locals show up.

One more guy showed up with a white day cruiser later in the day also.


New member
It was a fun time for sure! Glad to finally put some faces to the folks I've talked to here.

Really enjoyed seeing another LS powered jet boat in person!


Had a boat sink at Lavon. Aside from that, good times.

No one hurt. Boat made it to the beach and then pulled over to the trailer. Is was salvaged and hopefully will be on the water in a few months.


Active member
Crusader said:
Had a boat sink at Lavon. Aside from that, good times.

No one hurt. Boat made it to the beach and then pulled over to the trailer. Is was salvaged and hopefully will be on the water in a few months.

Was it anyone connected with THB?


New member
Crusader said:
Had a boat sink at Lavon. Aside from that, good times.

No one hurt. Boat made it to the beach and then pulled over to the trailer. Is was salvaged and hopefully will be on the water in a few months.

Oh no! What happened?


Ya, it was one of our guys. Made a pass and the starboard sponson came apart. Wasn't going very fast, maybe 30mph but just hit a wake before it happened. He managed to make it within five yards if the beach before shutting it down. The boat sunk within a minute.... Just goes to show you that when one of these things go down, you have no time to find a life jacket and put it on.

Thank God no one was hurt.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
blazeracer said:
Weather held off yesterday and turned out to be awesome. Saw JJ and Billy there, plus the guy that bought Gary's Baja and Formula ZR with his LS powered Liberator......

Oh and NINE boats from Lavon. Would have been cool to see a few more locals show up.

One more guy showed up with a white day cruiser later in the day also.

James . It was great seeing all of you guys down there , not sure what happen to the locals that should have been there .. JJ and I planned to be there for testing on both our boats before the storms rolled in . I wished I had planned to stay all day , but I had to leave by 3:00, but it sure was nice all of you guys to come down and bring your boats ..

I was happy with my test runs , I picked up 5 mph and rpm came down 300rpm .. Not bad , slower RPM and gain speed . I think we are on the right track for mine .. Now it time to finish tuning it and just go and enjoy the boat .. Thanks again JJ for all your help .. FYI- the last white boat that showed up his name is Paul ..

FormulaZR - it was nice talking with you and your wife on the ramp - nice boat .. Glad you got that water leak fixed so you could go play some ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
fenceman said:
Good luck and be safe this weekend. Hope those 1.09 gears work out for you!

Brian - Not sure if you knew what JJ put in the boat , but neither one of us thought it would pull them and still be able to prop burn it .. 1:09 gears would not have helped .. a little bigger ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Those Lavon guys have some nice looking boats !!!!  Glad I got to see them up close . Hopwe no one had any troubles , glad you guys got that fuel leak stopped on the red picklefork .. That sure is a pretty boat ..


New member
We plan on doing it again next Billy. Steele Creek is a real nice place to run with a south wind. Took a ride up to Plowmans, water looks a little low there, but still good to go.


Active member
To all

As one of the "regulars" at Steel Creek, I'm glad the weather turned out like it did for all that went and thank the Lavon boys for coming down.
I would also like to apologize for my not being there since I encourage people to show up.  My boat wasn't ready like it should have been.
I'll try not to let it happen again.


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I wished I knew you had the camera , I would like to have made a full hard pass for you .. Maybe next time
Nice video James

Water sure was nice , wished I could have stayed longer .. But it was nice the time I was there . I got the data I needed for my test run ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
blazeracer said:
We plan on doing it again next Billy. Steele Creek is a real nice place to run with a south wind. Took a ride up to Plowmans, water looks a little low there, but still good to go.

Let us know when and we will show back up .. .. maybe more that just the 2 of us .. LOL ..
JJ got to get busy and change the gears in his boat again .. I sure like his boat ..


New member
Jim was talking about meeting up at Plowmans in October when we were at Joe Pool a couple of weeks ago. No official get together or anything. They'll pick a weekend and just show up. We'll be there for that.

I always have my camera on the ready.




New member
Got it!!!  July 13th!! 