TPW Tickets at Plowman

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I just wanted to see who actually got a TPW ticket at Plowman , I know they handed out a lot of warning tickets and verbally told everyone what was wrong , bla , bla , bla . But who actually got a TPW ticket  ??

I am curious as that what type of ticket they received .


New member
I got one Failer to have boaters Registraion Card in boat.  And my buddy in the Baja with the sound system got one also for the same thing.  Guess that big ugly green sticker on the side of the boat isnt good enough. 
there was another guy there with david wiley that got the same ticket. didnt have paper work on him but the boat was all legal.... someone should have gave the tpw man a ticket for speeding and driving on the grass.. lol


New member
stallion176 said:
I went down river and just backed my trailer in the water and put the diesel in 4x4 and escaped my tickets! haha
:smile16: Shame on you! we put in at Lakeside...


Well-known member
TintMan said:
:smile16: Shame on you! we put in at Lakeside...

How was that place? I've heard of it, but nobody ever talks about staying there. How far a ride is it to Plowman park...

Last Mohecian

I got one Failer to have boaters Registraion Card in boat.  And my buddy in the Baja with the sound system got one also for the same thing.  Guess that big ugly green sticker on the side of the boat isnt good enough.

I thought your ticket was for failure to transfer registration?


New member
horsepower junkie said:
Fo Sho, Scott the Lakedide deal actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise no :police:
:smile17: I wonder if the silent choice 2000s woulda passed? :smile30:


New member
Devilman said:
TintMan said:
:smile16: Shame on you! we put in at Lakeside...

How was that place? I've heard of it, but nobody ever talks about staying there. How far a ride is it to Plowman park...
It was great for us wingers! I'd say its onlya mile or two by river! 4-5 by land.We could hear the boats from the Lakeside Hilton!  :grin:


New member
There were people who put in at Indian Lodge and Kimball Bend who got out alive, also. Don't knock those guys for doing their jobs. Law states that you must have the registration card in the boat. They didn't write the laws but are paid to enforce them. From what I understand, a lot of guys got out light with warnings and minor infractions when it could have been a lot worse. I would have figured that they would have written everyone down there for anything that they could have.


New member
sdba069 said:
There were people who put in at Indian Lodge and Kimball Bend who got out alive, also. Don't knock those guys for doing their jobs. Law states that you must have the registration card in the boat. They didn't write the laws but are paid to enforce them. From what I understand, a lot of guys got out light with warnings and minor infractions when it could have been a lot worse. I would have figured that they would have written everyone down there for anything that they could have.
We get your point Garry-it isn't like you havent been there done that-seems there is a video floatin around with you and 4 other FAST boats racing 5 wide. We got ya man. Almost seems like your gloatin or somethin! i dunno! :smile29:


Well-known member
TintMan said:
It was great for us wingers! I'd say its onlya mile or two by river! 4-5 by land.We could hear the boats from the Lakeside Hilton!  :grin:

Cool. I think its around 5-6 miles by water from the Indian Lodge... makes for a nice ride, all that glass....  :smile17:
Quote from Garry "  They didn't write the laws but are paid to enforce them. From what I understand, a lot of guys got out light with warnings and minor infractions when it could have been a lot worse. I would have figured that they would have written everyone down there for anything that they could have.

Quote from Tintman "  We get your point Garry-it isn't like you havent been there done that-seems there is a video floatin around with you and 4 other FAST boats racing 5 wide. We got ya man. Almost seems like your gloatin or somethin! i dunno!

I have to agree with Garry some got off really easy. 3,4 or 5 wide now or then, in that small area is asking for trouble. my .02


New member
I would like to find out if it is a STATE LAW that a boater can not race another boat on public lake and make a wide open pass... Cause that was there exact words.  So if someone know fill me in and the baffles think its just the wardens choice that day depending on what lake you are on.


New member
failer to transfer title and baffles are both warning Reg card is the ticket.  Yea he could have gave me all three tickets but he could have just let me go with warning on all of them.


New member
sdba069 said:
There were people who put in at Indian Lodge and Kimball Bend who got out alive, also. Don't knock those guys for doing their jobs. Law states that you must have the registration card in the boat. They didn't write the laws but are paid to enforce them. From what I understand, a lot of guys got out light with warnings and minor infractions when it could have been a lot worse. I would have figured that they would have written everyone down there for anything that they could have.

Not trying to be an ass here, but I have to agree with Garry. It is the law.

failer to transfer title and baffles are both warning Reg card is the ticket.  Yea he could have gave me all three tickets but he could have just let me go with warning on all of them.

Be thankfull he did just give you one ticket, I'm sure 3 tickets would have been pretty pricey. Just sayin.


New member
I would like to find out if it is a STATE LAW that a boater can not race another boat on public lake and make a wide open pass... Cause that was there exact words.  So if someone know fill me in and the baffles think its just the wardens choice that day depending on what lake you are on.

Hey Jason, after that thing on Lavon with Cowboy about a months and a half ago I looked deep into this. There is no law for racing, BUT they can give a reckless driving type of ticket to two boats within 50 feet of each other, which isn't very far at all. We're talking 17 yards.  It also does not say anything about wide open throttle, but describes it as two boats being up on plane within 50 feet of each other, or even one boat being up on plane within 50 feet of any object, moving or stationary.

Wonder if that would include being up on plane sliding onto Collin Park beach.. LOL


New member
Yea thanks James I knew that the law is 100ft or better..  Oh well its done and over with but just would like to find out the LAW so I know it and dont have a differend story everytime we get check on baffles I might just go by TPW headquerter in Garland and talk to someone on this matter..  We dont really get messed with around our area lake but it racking my brain to know.