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  1. 73 Sanger Flat


    I should be there
  2. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat Cole TR4 Blown Blown Chevy

    Brazos River Rat Cole TR4 Blown Blown Chevy
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    A new THB .com

  4. 73 Sanger Flat

    THB Website 3-5-2020

    Thanks Steve  for all you do to keep this site running ..  clap.gif jump.gif
  5. 73 Sanger Flat


    This post is from Neil Westerland on Facebook .  I copied it from there .. Neil WesterlundFebruary 8 at 8:39 AM Ok. It is time to drag the boats out the fields, garages, shine em up, put a tune in em and get the kids involved and family and be ready for a new year. We would like to start off...
  6. 73 Sanger Flat


    Just wanted to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS .. I work today and get off Tuesday and Wednesday .. So Merry Christmas in advance .. I hope Santa bring you what you want for Christmas .. I sent Santa  a note and asked for a 632 Blown Chevy to go in the boat  bling.gif bling.gif :smile17:
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    Needles and JJ

    Hey JJ , I see you in this Video ..
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowman Creek CLOSED - We are camping at Kimball Bend Sept 27-29

    Our Sept 27th reservation got Cancelled for Plowman because the park is closed for the flood damages , so we book the weekend at Kimball Bend State Park in case anyone wants to come camp over there .. Never been there before .. We have campsites 3, 5 and 7 .. This is the regular Plowman weekend...
  9. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek Saturday July 27th

    A few of us are heading to Steel Creek Saturday July 27th .. I am finally go to get my boat in the water this year .. I am hoping a few boats will show up .. Time to get the boat wet and enjoy some water .. I am hoping a new boat to the area will show up .. Blown BBC in a Hondo V-Drive .. I...
  10. 73 Sanger Flat

    Trailer for sale

    SOLD SOLD SOLD --- I thought I was going to convert this trailer for my V-Drive , but I don't think it would be easy .. So if someone needs a trailer let me know .. It is an Ellis Custom  trailer , Has a California title that is not in my name .Most likely will need to get a bonded title . ...
  11. 73 Sanger Flat

    1979 Hondo Ski Hydro for sale

    1979 Hondo Ski Hydro for sale .. $7500 minus engine or $20,000 complete with a 588 Mopar making over 1000 HP .. Best parts in the engine and boat .. This is a 2 owner boat .. Stored inside all of its life .. Boat will be at Plowmans on April 27th for it last run with Galen and for sale after...
  12. 73 Sanger Flat


    MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEARS Hope everyone has a safe and fun Christmas and New Years .. I will be gone for the Holidays and wont be on the site , so wanted to wish everyone a Safe and Fun Christmas early .. Be careful and have fun ..
  13. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowman Creek Park April 26 to 28th / 2019

    jump.gif OK - Plowman Creek reservation Done -- April 26 -28 Site 12 and 13 .. Hope the water will be good for us .. Please tag more people jump.gif
  14. 73 Sanger Flat

    Prop Clearance

    I am going to move my prop forward this winter with JJ Beavers  help .. Hoping to get the boat loosen up and aired out some .. My questions is how much clearance do you need from the tip of the prop to the bottom of the hull ? I have about 5/8 to 3/4 inch clearance right now .. I want to push...
  15. 73 Sanger Flat

    Big Estate sale in Granbury .. look to have a Blown Hemi and more engines This looks interesting .. Might have to go by there once I get the address and see what all they have .. I see one Blown Hemi , A 454 and a straight in line 8 cylinder...
  16. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek June 2nd

    Steel Creek June 2nd    -- The weather is going to be Hot , but the water should still be cool .. Come out and play for the day on Saturday .
  17. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowman trip in Spring -what Date ??

    Neil and I was talking and wanted to see what you guys think about a get together at Plowman .. We are thinking maybe late April ..  Maybe the last weekend -- April 27th- 29th.. Give us your thoughts . May have to make a day trip down to run the boats before that ., all according to the...
  18. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek Sept 9th ???

    When are we going to go play at Steel Creek ?  I am busy the next two weekend , but what about Sept. 9th.. The weekend after Labor Day works for me ..My boat is getting mad at me for not going to the water ..
  19. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowman rescheduled from OCT 1st to Sept 22nd and 23rd

    UPDATE UPDATE Plowman is closing October 1st for the year .. We are rescheduling this event for Sept 22nd and 23rd . You need to change your reservation at Plowman and Indian Lodge if you plan to go this year .. Indian Lodge.  254-889-3643
  20. 73 Sanger Flat

    " Run for Rusty " at Steel Creek July 8th Saturday

    We are planning to head down to Steel Creek on Saturday July 8th to make some passes and have a cold one for our Buddy Rusty that we lost a couple Months ago .. We will be at the ramp area and may venture down to the point that is just about a mile toward the dam on the right side ..If you don't...