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  1. 73 Sanger Flat

    Happy Birthday EO

    I think it is EO birthday today .. Happy Birthday  jump.gif
  2. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek SUNDAY 9-11-2016

    Look like we are heading to Steel Creek SUNDAY 9-11-2016 .. Come out and join us at the ramp .. I should be there about 9:00 am .. Hope my boat still floats .. See you there
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    Carter Billet fuel Pump - Rebuild Kits

    I have a Carter Billet Mechanical fuel pump and it needs a rebuild kit .. It started leaking out the side of it .. I called Carter and they do not sell the kits , but did offer up a contact person for me to try .. I called Tom at Then and Now  and he was very helpful . The number that is stamped...
  4. 73 Sanger Flat

    want to buy Dominator Air scoop

    I am looking to buy a Single Dominator Air scoop . Stainless or polish aluminum like this one ..I want to take my big scoop off and run this one for the lake .. Any one have a used one . I know I can get a new one at CP performance but prefer not to spend that much money .. Let me know what you...
  5. 73 Sanger Flat

    Neil's Boat for sale Hondo for sale -3000.00
  6. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat Cole TR-4 in the Cole Brochure

    Check this out that Brian Hughes and Gary Paine told me about The 1983 Cole brochure .. pretty freaking awesome
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    1050 Dominator Carb

    This is Neil's 1050 Dominator Carb he is trying to sell .. It has Dyno time and maybe an hour on it for time .. Asking 500.00 I will try and post more pic later .. I am having to downsize all of them ..
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    OFF SET and Mag ..

    This is Neils Off set and Mag he is trying to sell .. He is asking 600.00 for everything to go with the mag ..
  9. 73 Sanger Flat


    Just wanted to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS .. I am taking off the week of Christmasand most likely will not be checking THB over the Christmas Holidays .  So Merry Christmas and hope Santa brings you some goodies for your boats .. Billy -
  10. 73 Sanger Flat

    Happy Birthday E.O.

    Happy Birthday Young Man  jump.gif .. Hope you have a great day EO .. clap.gif  I need to swing by and see you ..
  11. 73 Sanger Flat

    JOE POOL end of year get Together Sept 26th

    EO is having his end of year get together at Joe Pool on Saturday the 26th at Lynn Creek .. I am hoping I can get the boat back together for this and make a test run there to see what the new prop will do .. Looking forward to seeing everyone ..
  12. 73 Sanger Flat

    Wanted **D-21 Rudder Box and D-21 Cavitation box seal ** wanted

    Some one on here was selling their D-21 Rudder Box , Cavitation seal and Prop shaft  seal . I am interested in thew Rudder box and the Cavitation seal if you still have them .. I already have the  prop shaft seal  one so I don't need that one .. If not I will order from CP Performance , they...
  13. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek Sept 26th -- CANCELLED

    OK -- I have a new prop on the way and I want to test it after I get it on the boat .. So if all goes to plan and the prop gets here the middle of next week , I would like to go to Steel Creek on Sept 26th for a couple of Test runs .. Does any one want to go .. If water condition are not good we...
  14. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat Damages

    I tried a few times this morning to post a couple of pictures of the drive line failure pictures , but it does not want to load them for me this morning .. I lost a clip on the U Joint and the u joint cap slid out and caught the bell housing and broke the bell housing in two pieces .. The boat...
  15. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowman is Closed until April 2016

    I talked to the Corp of Engineers this morning to confirm that the rumor is true that Plowman Creek Park will be closed until April 2016..  :smile25: :smile25: :smile25: :smile25: :smile25: :smile25: :smile25: :smile25: :smile25:    She was unable to tell me when Steel Creek would open .. They...
  16. 73 Sanger Flat

    Looking for Polish Aluminum Scoop for a Dominator Carb

    I am looking for a polished Aluminum Scoop to fit a Dominator Carb . Anyone have one laying around they want to sell ??
  17. 73 Sanger Flat

    Texas Park and Wildlife on Baffles

    I tried to find the old post on this , but could not find it .. So here it is . I am sure this may have changed since I received this  fax a few years ago 
  18. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek April 18th ?? Test Run

    I am just thinking I may try and take the boat out for a test Run Saturday at Steel Creek .. Getting a little nervous now with the new power plant and plate settings , plus  the SDBA races coming up in 5 weeks .. I need a couple of test weekend to see if I need to change gears plus need to get...
  19. 73 Sanger Flat

    Dam it is Cold and Nasty today

    It is cold and Nasty outside .. I attempted to make it to work , I drove about 25 miles and turned around and came back home .. Getting pretty slick on the roads .. So I will work from home today ..
  20. 73 Sanger Flat

    WTB 20 inch Fiberglass seat shell

    I am looking for a 20" wide Fiberglass seat shell for my boat .. Or maybe a complete seat ready to go  that is 20" wide maybe white , or grey ??  .. Can not be wider  than 20.5 inches max .. The one I have is too small for me . Would like to be the two rib design to match passenger seat .. If...