Search results

  1. 73 Sanger Flat

    Race Fuel prices

    Just ordered a couple of Drums of VP -- C-14 for Galen and one drum of VP110 for me and should be delivered next week . Current price of C-14 is 653.00 and VP-110 is 422.00 a drum .. That is delivered to the house including all cost .. Heard it will go up in May again .. Dam hobby is...
  2. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat new boat

    Look like I will be getting me a old Pontoon boat next weekend .. It needs some work , but I think it will be cool to have .. 24 foot long with a 90 HP Mariner on it , all new seats and carpet already installed .. Just need to get it running and fix a few things .. We bought new tires and wheels...
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    Pool Table for sale

    Ok - It time to sell my Pool Table - It is a Night Club style . made by Valley and is the Cougar Model .. It is a one piece Slate.. Set up to operate for free , but can be changed back if some one wanted to. It is just sitting and not being used , it will come with 4 sticks ,  balls to get...
  4. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat ( Billy) E-85 Problems

    OK Here are the damages from last weekend testing Melted number 5 piston really bad and broke number 4 piston .. Pushed the head gasket out on almost  every cylinder on the even side .. Burnt spark plugs really bad .. The number 5 hole is the worst , but it may just be all the melted piston...
  5. 73 Sanger Flat

    Looking for a nice BBC short block or longblock

    Looking for a complete  BBC  turnkey engine to drop in my V-Drive , or a nice built shortblock or longblock .. What you guys got laying around .. Would like to have something around 500 and up on HP .. Of course working on a budget , so nothing exoctic please .. I hurt mine really bad Sunday...
  6. 73 Sanger Flat

    STEEL CREEK JUNE 2nd (unsure on Date ) CORRECTED DATE

    I talked to EO last Friday and look like we will be heading to Steel Creek  on JUNE 2nd (CORRECTED DATE  ) .. That's  the weekend after Memorial Day weekend .. Come out and join us .. Look like it will be a test day for Neil and myself , unless we go before that .. See you there . billy
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek or Plowman - When ???

    Hey Brazos River Group  , when are we making our first trip to the river? I think my boat is ready for a test run . It will be on race fuel ( VP114)  first trip down and then back to the E-85 next trip . Want to get some number when it is running on all 8 holes this time ..RPM / Speed /  to...
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    Sad Valentine Day for us at the office -Lost a Friend and Co Worker

    We lost a good friend and co-worker last night . So sad . Terrance was only 39 and was a really good person ..I am still in shock . I can not believe this happen .
  9. 73 Sanger Flat

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I just wanted to wish everyone a Great Thanksgiving . We are heading up to Kansas City area Saturday morning to  have Thanksgiving with Galen and his family . So will not be on here until we get back . Every one be safe and have a Safe Holiday..
  10. 73 Sanger Flat


    Just wanted to post up that Thomas Myers will be having his annual TOYS FOR TOTS drive Dec. 3rd .. A new location this year . It will be at Jerry Durant Hyundai at 4601 Highway 377 Granbury TX ..  10am to 2 pm There will be Boats , Cars , Bikes and normally they have some type of food to eat...
  11. 73 Sanger Flat

    JJ at Needles Az

    I found a picture of JJ at Needle Az this year . One of these day when I can afford about $1000.00 in fuel another $1000.00 for hotel and food , I am going to follow him out there .. It look like a blast JJ : Tell us how it was . I know you are tired , but fill us in .. Looks like a hell...
  12. 73 Sanger Flat

    The Cookieman in for surgery again this Morning

    Just wanted to ask for your prayers for the Cookieman ( Bill ) this morning .. He is going in again for his surgery on his right knee . I think this is number 6 for the right knee .. He needs to get better so he can come to some of the THB events.. Hang in there Bill and let us know if you...
  13. 73 Sanger Flat

    Compression for Blown Alcohol Engine ??

    Ok Guys , been thinking  and that normally gets me into a lot of trouble .. What is the maximun compression ratio that you can do for a Blown Methonal  Engine ??  I juts love the sound of an Alcohol Blown Engine ... Anybody have any experience with this set up ??
  14. 73 Sanger Flat

    Loco Coyote owners house burned

    Just wanted to let the people that know my cousin Tom and Linda that owns Loco Coyote in Glen Rose area,  that their house burned to the ground last night about 3:00am .. Thank goodness that their dog woke them up .. Tom and Linda are OK , but lost everything in the house .. Their house was...
  15. 73 Sanger Flat

    Waco Drag Boats Races Sept 3rd and 4th ( Labor Day weekend )

    Look like the Waco Drags Boat races are on for Sept 2nd for Test and Tune and Qualifying Saturday Sept 3rd and the races on Sunday the 4th . This will be at Cameron Park East ..Hopefully all the construction is finished . We should be there either Saturday or Sunday , Have not made up our...
  16. 73 Sanger Flat

    Traffic from Austin/ San Antonio area to Waco Sunday evening 7-31-2011???

    Was anyone out on I-35 about the  San Antonio / Austin area heading north Sunday about 6-7 PM ? I was heading back from South Texas yesterday and the traffic started backing up about San Marcos .. It was pretty bad traffic for about 80-90 miles heading north  .. Not sure what was going on ...
  17. 73 Sanger Flat

    Welchfest Trip for the North group

    OK guys let see who all can try and make it to Welchfest to represent the North THB. James Cliff Billy JJ Who else is going to try and make it Sound like it may just be a day trip for me .. I will convoy down with JJ Saturday morning early and drive back Saturday night , never know ...
  18. 73 Sanger Flat

    Granbury lake - July 10 condition

    Will I went out on our Lake ( Granbury ) today in the old Ski Nautique and the water is down about two feet . Boat ramp is still usable and had plenty of ramp to get the boat on and off the trailer .. My dad and I just cruised around and found the sandbar that washed in a couple of  years ago...
  19. 73 Sanger Flat

    OKC ( Bricktown) Boat racing

    Just checking to see if any one is heading to OK City for the boat races this weekend .  It going to be HOT out there ..  I wish had the time and money to go .. Be safe if you heading up there
  20. 73 Sanger Flat

    Baffles / Mufflers and Water injection

    This is the fax that I received last year from the Parks and Wildlife  Law Enforcement Division  in Waco It shows pictures of Legal and Illegal exhaust and also the Flame arrestors .. See if I can get this PDF file to attach I printed this and carry it in the boat now . I am hoping...