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  1. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat ( Billy's ) Update

    I would like to tell everyone that Galen is doing a hell of a job on the engine for my boat .. He is taking his time and double checking everything and I can not express how much I appreciate him helping me on this engine .. With any luck , it will be going to the Dyno in about a month .. Here...
  2. 73 Sanger Flat

    Thomas Meyers Toy Drive - Granbury Texas 12-6-2014

    Copied from Thomas Meyers Facebook page "Hey I just wanted to let everyone know that my 21st annual Thomas Myers Racing For Kids Toy Drive and Car show is this Saturday from 10:00AM till 2:00PM if you have a car or truck a bike or whatever come out and support the cause and enjoy the spirit of...
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek Oct 18th ?? anyone interested in going

    I know the Joe Pool event is the same day , but we are thinking of going to Steel Creek to run Galen's Hydro for some test runs .. Just think it would be a better place for testing than at Joe Pool lake .. The water condition are better at the river and you can read the water better there ...
  4. 73 Sanger Flat


    I am going to have to try some adjustable guide plate . The ones that came on the new heads are not going to work .. Picking up a set today from EO and hoping they will work.. No way I going to install in the boat like this
  5. 73 Sanger Flat

    Where to get Morse Cable Locally DFW area

    Ok- Working on the boat today and the Morse Throttle cable broke .. Where is the best place to pick up one in the DFW area . I know a  lot of Auto Parts shops that sell to heavy truck like Dump trucks sell them also .. I found a 12 ft one on line for 32.00.. Hoping to pick one up locally though...
  6. 73 Sanger Flat

    what happen here ?

    Look at this and tell me what could cause this ? We think we know , but would like to see what everyone thinks .. All I have to say . I was lucky as hell .. Glad I finally decided to pull the heads ..Glad I did not fire it up at the Toys for Tots .. 
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    SDBA Tentative Dates 2014

    Copied off of SDBA Facebook page This is what was passed out last weekend.... May 23-25 Waco....June 21-22 Ft Worth -Tentative......June 27-29 San Angelo (LODBRS Divisional Race).....July 26-27 Chouteau (LODBRS Divisional Race).....August 8-10 Marble Falls (LODBRS Divisional Race)......August...
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    Radio Receivers

    I am thinking of trying to run a couple races in 2014. What is everyone using for the Radio Receivers . I thought I seen a few people use the Nitro Bee receiver. It is about 100-125.00 . Will this one work for the SDBA and Lucas races ?  Anyone know the frequency SDBA runs on ? I need this , a...
  9. 73 Sanger Flat

    Glad to be back in Texas too Cold in Casper WY

    We went to my Daughters place in Casper WY for Christmas to see the 4 granddaughters and spend the week there  . It was great seeing them and having Christmas with the family , but I am glad we are back in Texas . Sunday morning heading to Casper airport it was a freaking MINUS 8 degrees. Too...
  10. 73 Sanger Flat

    SDBA Schedule for 2014 and more Questions ??

    Does anyone have the 2014 SDBA schedule ..
  11. 73 Sanger Flat

    Turn signal switch on 68 Chevy Pick up ?

    OK -Got the new Turn Signal switch from LMC truck yesterday Got the new Chinese dam switch yesterday and after having to take it out about 3 times and doing some filing on it because the horn contact on the back of the switch was too big and was grounding out . I finally got it all back...
  12. 73 Sanger Flat

    May need new Prop

    I might have to get a new prop for the V-Drive .I might have a crack in mine .. Going to let JJ check it for me . Please let me know what everyone is running on their V-Drives . Brand , Pitch and Diameter.. and what it cost when you bought it .. I heard good things about Harold Kinsavater ( ...
  13. 73 Sanger Flat

    No privacy anymore ?

    Has any one seen this . It kind of interesting ..
  14. 73 Sanger Flat

    Lost Duck Float

    I think this Duck float must be lost . I think it belongs to some one here in Texas , but it was spotted out in Needles ..  I bet he had fun out there .. One of these days I need to go out there .. Look past the first boat .. I think I recognize the Float and the Boat
  15. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek Sept 21st ???

    Neil and I are thinking of going to Steel Creek Saturday the 21st .. Does anyone want to come down for a few hours .. Most likely will not be there all day . Neil wants to test his boat and I can alway test mine some more .. Maybe get there about 9:30 -10:00 am  and stay to about 2:00 ?? ...
  16. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek Sept 7th 2013

    Just wanted to check and see if the regulars are going to Steel Creek on Sept. 7th ? . That is the weekend after labor Day .. I am planning to go if we still have enough water in the river to play on .. I want to see if I can get the boat to run any faster .. I set my goal already of 110 mph...
  17. 73 Sanger Flat

    Steel Creek ( Whitney Lake ) June 1st and 2nd

    Look like we will be heading down to Steel Creek on the Brazos River ( Whitney Lake ) on June 1st and 2nd . That is the weekend after Memorial Day .. It should be a a lot less boat traffic that weekend so maybe we can play some ..  I am hoping to do a little testing on my boat on Saturday ...
  18. 73 Sanger Flat

    Storms and Tornado's Wed 5-15-2013

    Just wanted to check on everyones from last night Storms and Tonadoes . We are OK , we had 3 inch hail at my house  and the Tornado landed about 1.5 mile East of my house .. Really close to Cookieman's house and not too far from Rockie and Becky's new house .. 6 are confirm killed and 14 missing...
  19. 73 Sanger Flat

    Billy's engine on Dyno

    Galen posted my engine on the Dyno on  Texashotboat facebook page  , but I can't view the dam thing from work and it is driving me crazy .. I have the HP and TQ numbers  , but I want to hear it .. All I can say it is a freaking Torque monster ..  :smile16: I guess I will wait until I get...
  20. 73 Sanger Flat

    Need 455 Old Engine ready to run ..

    My cousin is looking for a 455 Olds. Engine ready to run or possible a long block ready to finish .. He has a 75 Taylor SS and need an engine to go back in it , he knocked the rods out last summer in it .. It was just  a junk yard engine , but it kept him going , but not anymore Or mayne a ...