Search results

  1. 73 Sanger Flat

    Crankcase Vacumn Pump Kits

    Who has a Crankcase Vacuum Pump Kit on their engines . I am thinking of getting one of these maybe this winter and I  forgot who had the best deal on them . I know some one posted before but I can't find it . (maybe Duane posted ) I have the puke tank and the burn down breathers , so I think...
  2. 73 Sanger Flat

    OIL FILTER BRAND for High Performance Engines

    Changing the oil in the new engine and I normally run the Fram HP 4 ( high performance  filter ) but thinking of changing over to the WIX 51059R or 51060R racing filters . One is about 4.3 inch tall and the other one is a little over 5.0 tall . I have room for either one . O'Reilly can get them...
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    Merlin Tall Deck Chevy for sale

    For sale is my old Merlin 2 Tall Deck , bored 4.560 and is half filled with block filler Sale for 800.00 or possible trade for part or engine for a small block Chevy to put in my Camaro or tires and wheel for a 1996 Ford 3/4 ton .. something like a 265/75/16 all terrain , or trade for ?? Will...
  4. 73 Sanger Flat

    Quad Riding March 5th

    There are about 4-5 of us from Granbury heading up the Bulcher( Red River Motorcycle Trails )  to go ride  four wheelers on Saturday March 5th . We will be ther at 8:30 am and ride until about 5:00PM Any one want to join us are welcome .  We should be in a Dark Green Chevy pickup pulling a...
  5. 73 Sanger Flat

    Tintman boat on the Feb Performance Boat Website

    You guys need to go to the Performance Boat website and check out Scotts boat .. It is online for the Feb issue Very nce looking article ..
  6. 73 Sanger Flat

    March Performance Boat Magazine Plowman Edition

    Just wanted to let you guys know that my wife called me yesterday and she received the March issue of Performance Boats and the Plowman article is in it .. Thanks Brett ... I have not seen the magazine yet , it will be Friday before I get a chance to see it . She said it looked pretty good ...
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    SDBA Race 2011 returns to Waco

    Wayne sent me an email showing the Waco SDBA 2011 race is scheduled for July 8,9,10 Can't wait to see what all they did to Cameron Park .. The Race Site will be completely new this year .. Should be FUN ..  jump.gif Sure wish I could find a some money to go Test and Tune that Friday to see...
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat's Cole TR-4

    This is the winter project for my boat engine . I am hoping to have it back in for spring testing , if not , I will just use the back up engine until we are ready .. EO Speed is starting on the new engine for the boat . Got a Brand New Dart Tall Deck block ordered . Going to  bore it out to...
  9. 73 Sanger Flat

    Winterizing the Engine for Winter

    Just wanted to see what everyone uses to winterizes their engine for the winters? I normally just buy cheap antifreeze ( Autozone or Whatever is cheap ?? ) and dilute it down to to like -10 degrees and then fill the engine up with it . Mine is easy , I can use my water pump to do this , just...
  10. 73 Sanger Flat

    Good Friday Morning

    Just wanted to wish everyone on THB a Good Friday Morning ..  :smile16: Look like another good weekend ahead for us for the weather .. Might have to take the boat back out for a little run Saturday .. Need to blow the crap out of it for sitting all week .. Don;t think I got it cleaned out...
  11. 73 Sanger Flat

    TPW Tickets at Plowman

    I just wanted to see who actually got a TPW ticket at Plowman , I know they handed out a lot of warning tickets and verbally told everyone what was wrong , bla , bla , bla . But who actually got a TPW ticket  ?? I am curious as that what type of ticket they received .
  12. 73 Sanger Flat

    Merlin 2 Tall Deck Block for Sale

    I going to sell my Merlin 2 Tall Deck Block this winter .Fresh Bore is 4.560 ,Maybe 3 hours run time on it . The block  can be bored to 4.620.. With a 4.25 crank and this bore , it is a 555 cubic inch . The block is filled half way ( bottom of water pump holes )  with block fill or concrete ...
  13. 73 Sanger Flat

    It is Going to be HOT all week

    This weeks forcast ;;  :smile18: Forecast Conditions High °F Low °F Precip. Chance High Temperatures Low Temperatures Precipitation Wind Speed        Today Aug 2    Sunny  107° 78°  0%          107°F      Tue Aug 3    Sunny  106° 80°  0%          106°F      Wed Aug...
  14. 73 Sanger Flat

    Jet Boat Crash in Granbury on 7-18-2010 ???

    I cut and copied this over from Drag Boat Alley I only copied part of it was informed of a boat crash killing one person on lake Granbury 7/18/10. I was told it was a V-Bottom Jet boat from the OK Panhandle, its was the boats first time out. Anyone heard anything about this yet? 24 year old...
  15. 73 Sanger Flat

    Need Fifth Wheel hitch

    Does any one got a Fifth wheel hitch and the rails they want to sell . I am looking for a used one , need something that is reasonable on price .I  bought an old diesel pick up to pull my fifth wheel and do not want to take the hitch  one out of my 68 pick up . Need something for at least 12,000...
  16. 73 Sanger Flat

    Switched to E-85 Fuel

    I switched over to E -85 last week on my new 555 Chevy .I tested it Saturday . We got the new carb fron BLP out of Florida and beside it being a little lean on the idle circuit, I had to back the idle mixtures screws out a little more than normal.(2.75 turns instead of 1.5 turns) .  It had a...
  17. 73 Sanger Flat

    Welcome Galen

    I just wanted to throw a welcome out there for my Brother in law . Galen  lives in Liberty MO. and has been to Plowman the last few years with me.. We will be working on a project boat for him soon . I am picking up the project boat this Saturday .. Galen , jump in here and let them know who...
  18. 73 Sanger Flat


    Just wanted to put the word out we will be back  at Steel Creek on July 10th. Hopefully all the crazies will be tired and broke from the Fourth of July and we can have some good water .. See you guys there .. Boat is almost ready to test again . I have installed the oil cooler and lines ...
  19. 73 Sanger Flat

    Good Friday Morning and Happy 4th of July

    Just wanted to start the day off good and wish every one a Happy Friday and hope everyone enjoys the 4th of July . Have Fun and be safe out there .. The crazy people that do not know how to operate a boat or jetskies will be out in force this weekend ..So be extra careful out this wekend , Do...
  20. 73 Sanger Flat


    We are heading to Steel Creek on June 19th. for a little get together . Last weekend the water was nice and cool and the water condition was perfect for making some passes . So hopefully it will be as nice on June 19th .. Hope to see everyone there Post up on who can make it ..