Bracket Racing For Boaters.

Last Mohecian

blazeracer said:
Thats why we have coordinate with them to allow the club (NTJBC) to get an ambulance, divers, safety boat... Tell them we're gonna race anyway, let's make it as safe as possible.

I elect you head coordinator.  I'd like to see it.  Make it happen.  :smile17:


New member
blazeracer said:
Thats why we have coordinate with them to allow the club (NTJBC) to get an ambulance, divers, safety boat... Tell them we're gonna race anyway, let's make it as safe as possible.

Atta kid! Liability insurance too in case of an accident so your club doesn't get their ass sued off. We took a mil policy out for 3 days cost us a grand. And if I remember right the amulance was gonna cost us (help me out wildhair) I think it was a bill 25 an hour.

The insurance and the ambalamps were required by the state park. Dunno what your guys will require but as with anything cover your ass.  Murphys law


New member
Carnivalride said:
HammerDown said:
My Guess is That will be about once. LOL

Tell them you're setting up a slalom ski course and pull a couple guys through while they're watching.  think.gif

There you go.. My nephew knows how the ride the wake board behind my jet. I think Kendra can slalom also, right??


New member
HammerDown said:
blazeracer said:
Thats why we have coordinate with them to allow the club (NTJBC) to get an ambulance, divers, safety boat... Tell them we're gonna race anyway, let's make it as safe as possible.

Atta kid! Liability insurance too in case of an accident so your club doesn't get their A$$ sued off. We took a mil policy out for 3 days cost us a grand. And if I remember right the amulance was gonna cost us (help me out wildhair) I think it was a bill 25 an hour.

The insurance and the ambalamps were required by the state park. Dunno what your guys will require but as with anything cover your A$$.  Murphys law

If you can get side by side racing together I bet most guys would go up to $50 if that's what it took, surely at least $25???

Wild Hair

New member
The Insurance was about a grand. We got Life Flight and the ambulance for the cost of lunch. Also no racing was allowed until they were on site. Even with all that the park manager wasn't comfortable with it.


New member
I know that vic flew the chopper in for free but what was it if we had to pay for the meat wagon to set there?

Yeah Loren we charged 25 per boat,had racing,fed everybody burgers, handed out trophies. It was a class deal. The blue hairs put the nix on our deal.  Don't ever trust any group that calls themselve "friends of the park".

Last Mohecian

Wild Hair said:
The Insurance was about a grand. We got Life Flight and the ambulance for the cost of lunch. Also no racing was allowed until they were on site. Even with all that the park manager wasn't comfortable with it.

Wait a minute.  How much did Life Flight cost?  Sounds like you guys got a buddy deal.

Wild Hair

New member
HammerDown said:
I know that vic flew the chopper in for free but what was it if we had to pay for the meat wagon to set there?

Yeah Loren we charged 25 per boat,had racing,fed everybody burgers, handed out trophies. It was a class deal. The blue hairs put the nix on our deal.  Don't ever trust any group that calls themselve "friends of the park".

I think you are right on at $125 an hour. We just got lucky having Vic set it all up I am surprised we didn't have to have them on site for the radar run last year.


New member
HammerDown said:
I know that vic flew the chopper in for free but what was it if we had to pay for the meat wagon to set there?

Yeah Loren we charged 25 per boat,had racing,fed everybody burgers, handed out trophies. It was a class deal. The blue hairs put the nix on our deal.  Don't ever trust any group that calls themselve "friends of the park".

That sounds like it was a good deal, not sure what to tell you on the blue hairs.


New member
HammerDown said:
I know that vic flew the chopper in for free but what was it if we had to pay for the meat wagon to set there?

Yeah Loren we charged 25 per boat,had racing,fed everybody burgers, handed out trophies. It was a class deal. The blue hairs put the nix on our deal.  Don't ever trust any group that calls themselve "friends of the park".
But its not doom and gloom. We almost doubled the number of boats on the water from the year before. I would say conservately 65 boats on the water.  Even without the racing people like us like to get together and toss a few back and have fun.

Wild Hair

New member
Last Mohican said:
Wild Hair said:
The Insurance was about a grand. We got Life Flight and the ambulance for the cost of lunch. Also no racing was allowed until they were on site. Even with all that the park manager wasn't comfortable with it.

Wait a minute.  How much did Life Flight cost?  Sounds like you guys got a buddy deal.

We got one hell of a buddy deal on that setup. Stipulation was if life flight was called on all racing stoped. thankfuly that didn't happen.


New member
HammerDown said:
But its not doom and gloom. We almost doubled the number of boats on the water from the year before. I would say conservately 65 boats on the water.  Even without the racing people like us like to get together and toss a few back and have fun.

Were all 65 boats in the water on the beach at the same time? Here's the deal with the place we go, Pebble Beach. There are two ramps. The first one is closed down, and that's the side we park our boats on Sunday afternoons. You can officially only get there by boat. On the other side of the cove is Pebble Beach park. It's a day use only park and has no park ranger or personnel working there full time. I think we can get a 1,000 foot course plotted in our cove, but to hold a racing event we would need a way to keep lake traffic out.

I don't know if we could talk to the Corps people and get the closed part opened for a day we wanted to hold an event. Couldn't hurt to ask though. If 65 boats show up to Pebble Beach we will have a parkig issue also without the other section opened. I'm sure it would be on us to cut the grass before and police up the trash after.


New member
For you guys from Oklahoma, here's a vid from our cove at Pebble Beach shot on Sept 5th of this past year.


New member
blazeracer said:
HammerDown said:
But its not doom and gloom. We almost doubled the number of boats on the water from the year before. I would say conservately 65 boats on the water.  Even without the racing people like us like to get together and toss a few back and have fun.

Were all 65 boats in the water on the beach at the same time? Here's the deal with the place we go, Pebble Beach. There are two ramps. The first one is closed down, and that's the side we park our boats on Sunday afternoons. You can officially only get there by boat. On the other side of the cove is Pebble Beach park. It's a day use only park and has no park ranger or personnel working there full time. I think we can get a 1,000 foot course plotted in our cove, but to hold a racing event we would need a way to keep lake traffic out.

I don't know if we could talk to the Corps people and get the closed part opened for a day we wanted to hold an event. Couldn't hurt to ask though. If 65 boats show up to Pebble Beach we will have a parkig issue also without the other section opened. I'm sure it would be on us to cut the grass before and police up the trash after.

james yes all 65 boats were on the water at the same time, there was a couple different parking places for everyone, you should come up this year for boat bash weekend of august 6, its a blast


New member
hillbilly68 said:
james yes all 65 boats were on the water at the same time, there was a couple different parking places for everyone, you should come up this year for boat bash weekend of august 6, its a blast

Maybe, we're already doing Broken Bow the weekend of July 4th. We're you and yours going to stay in our cabin that weekend? We should be able to make room.


New member
blazeracer said:
hillbilly68 said:
james yes all 65 boats were on the water at the same time, there was a couple different parking places for everyone, you should come up this year for boat bash weekend of august 6, its a blast

Maybe, we're already doing Broken Bow the weekend of July 4th. We're you and yours going to stay in our cabin that weekend? We should be able to make room.

yes we're going unless something dramitic happens, by then my wife and daughter will be living in texas with me so there shouldnt be any reason for us not to go, and then a few weeks after that we'll be at okmulgee for boat bash


New member
blazeracer said:
Cool, how far is Okmulgee from here? I've actually been there before. My ex's dad was born there.

its about a 3 hour drive for me pullin a boat from denton, up 75 then hit the indian nation turnpike and it will take ya straight to okmulgee