HammerDown said:
But its not doom and gloom. We almost doubled the number of boats on the water from the year before. I would say conservately 65 boats on the water. Even without the racing people like us like to get together and toss a few back and have fun.
Were all 65 boats in the water on the beach at the same time? Here's the deal with the place we go, Pebble Beach. There are two ramps. The first one is closed down, and that's the side we park our boats on Sunday afternoons. You can officially only get there by boat. On the other side of the cove is Pebble Beach park. It's a day use only park and has no park ranger or personnel working there full time. I think we can get a 1,000 foot course plotted in our cove, but to hold a racing event we would need a way to keep lake traffic out.
I don't know if we could talk to the Corps people and get the closed part opened for a day we wanted to hold an event. Couldn't hurt to ask though. If 65 boats show up to Pebble Beach we will have a parkig issue also without the other section opened. I'm sure it would be on us to cut the grass before and police up the trash after.