R/C Madness


Active member
All right THB flyers!  Y'all missed an excellent day of flying!  jump.gif

However, disaster almost struck!  The switching 'Y' harness to my elevator servos failed giving a very twitchy, down elevator input to the right elevator servo.  Very nearly crashed it.  It was bought new earlier this month and only had a couple flights on it.  I'm taking it back to the hobby shop.  Hopefully, they'll make it right.  We'll see.....

I also flew the Hog Bipe today.  It flew very well after a little maintenance.  :rolleyes:  The whole cylinder was loose were it bolts to the block.  :shocked:  They run very strange like that.  lol


Active member
damnit, I wish I could have been there...spent the afternoon with marty, checked out his new shop, wished I was flying.... :smile16:


Just got back from Mikes hobby shop and all I can say is WOW!! The place had an indoor dirt track and our truck did well though we did break a few things.


New member
Crusader said:
Just got back from Mikes hobby shop and all I can say is WOW!! The place had an indoor dirt track and our truck did well though we did break a few things.

that's called R&D........ race and destroy  :smile17:


New member
All right THB flyers!  Y'all missed an excellent day of flying!  jump.gif

However, disaster almost struck!  The switching 'Y' harness to my elevator servos failed giving a very twitchy, down elevator input to the right elevator servo.  Very nearly crashed it.  It was bought new earlier this month and only had a couple flights on it.  I'm taking it back to the hobby shop.  Hopefully, they'll make it right.  We'll see.....

I also flew the Hog Bipe today.  It flew very well after a little maintenance.  :rolleyes:  The whole cylinder was loose were it bolts to the block.  :shocked:  They run very strange like that.  lol

you gotta do the 50hr maintance  :smile30:

didn't fly,  the late afternoon got nice,  but we just had to much rain,  :smile25:  not sure but while over in the shop,  i believe we even got a little hail  think.gif


KONA77 said:
Crusader said:
Just got back from Mikes hobby shop and all I can say is WOW!! The place had an indoor dirt track and our truck did well though we did break a few things.

that's called R&D........ race and destroy  :smile17:

LOL, yep!!

Mike has a seriously great bussiness plan going on there. He offers free use of his indoor Monster truck dirt track....amazing. The hobby shop was packed and nobody spent less that $50 in the store while I was in line watching.

My son got really good at racing his truck though not it's tits up.

When I turn the truck on, the front wheels will steer back and forth but the rear wheels won't move....nor with the motor turn on. Not sure what's going on there.



New member
this is a shot in the dark,  but check your electrical connection,  then see if some sand or dirt has the spur gears locked up


KONA77 said:
this is a shot in the dark,  but check your electrical connection,  then see if some sand or dirt has the spur gears locked up

Good call, I forgot to add that the red (hot) wire connection to the motor appears to have thinned...by that I mean it's hanging on by about10 wire strands and I'll have to re-solder the wire on for a good connection. My thinking is that though it's connected, there may not be enough wire to carry the required current needed to turn the motor.

I'll break out my truct voltmeter after work and take a reading.


KONA77 said:
and/or the motor has seen really high amps from it and the motor is bad  think.gif

Okay.....ya I did smell some electrical smells from the motor area too..... Maybe we burned it out.


New member
Electric motors run on smoke....

If you let the smoke out of the motor, then ya gotta get a nuther one.

Holler if you need servos or most anything but electric motors, I got tons of RC gear.



Shrek said:
Electric motors run on smoke....

If you let the smoke out of the motor, then ya gotta get a nuther one.

Holler if you need servos or most anything but electric motors, I got tons of RC gear.

Okay, thanks!!

We're just getting into this and I'm finding out quickly....it aint cheap!!

I hope I didn't let the smoke out of his motor.


KONA77 said:
but it's so fun!!!!  and especially when ya can do with your kid,  can't put a price on that  :smile27:

Man, you ain't kidding! My son drives that thing around the track perfectly....and fast too! Me, well I'm like the old man driving down the highway in the left lane...lol. But, you're right Kona....me and the boy are having a blast.


New member
that's all that counts....  i just love watching my sons eyes light up.... with the R/Cs when we play with them,  and when we get the boat out and head to the water,  spending the day or a few hours together.....  never will be able to replace that time as we and they get older....  plus the moral values that we instill in them  :smile27:

OH forgot to add the 4 wheelers....  had his friend out over the weekend and was teaching him to ride what a blast  :smile27:


Ya, we have four wheelers too.....They are old and when I got them, I had to repair them to make 'em run but once I did...they run well.

We've been to a few places but our favorite is Red River ATV park just north of Bohnam on the Oklahoma side of the Red River. When the water is down, we ride down the banks and into the river. What a blast!!



New member
These are the things that will live with our children forever,  and make a difference when they are older and have a family of their own.....  not to mention all the great stories we get to tell on them  :smile27:


Active member
Alright!  I took the defective switching 'Y' harness back to RC Hobby Shop and they made it good!  clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif