Stuff you need to switch over to an LSX platform.


Hahaha. Regardless of the reasons you guys come up with......I tow a disproportionate amount of GMs back to the ramps.



New member
Last Mohican said:
Crusader said:
I've towed an awful lot of GMs over the past couple of summers and not one Ford.


Two reasons for that.  You are like one of those ambulance chasing lawyers only stalking GMs and the Ford guy opted to swim his shit to the boat ramp.  :smile30:

I didn't have to swim. It died on the beach. I was able to walk it to the ramp. Beside, and LS is on the way in anyway. A lot my Ford crap is on Ebay now. I'm keeping just enough Ford stuff to get the Enforcer running since I have Ford headers, motor mounts and bell housing.

The only thing I'm loyal to is the jet pump on the transom anyhoo...... Ford, Chevy, I give a rats ass as long is it's made in the USA.


New member
Crusader said:
I'm goig to throw an LSX motor into the Crusader next winter.

Why wait , lets do this  jump.gif

It would be a great time to do the swap now , we can all learn together  :smile17:


All it takes is money!!!

James said he'd help me out once he gets all the bugs worked out with his conversion.

This will be fun!!


New member
Just sell the BBF to pay for the swap , there are plenty of suckers out there that will buy it .

Last Mohecian

Patchman said:
Last Mohican said:
Patchman said:
DiamondJim said:
But, But, But, It's a Ford
800 hp on pump gas is 800 hp on pump gas! :smile30:

This is true but if it was an 800 HP GM motor it would be more reliable.  :smile30:
I don't guess that GM PONTIAC has ever broke think.gif Just kidding man, I'll quit jacking this GM lovers thread! :smile16:
You guys need to go get a room! :smile30:

LOL.  Only towed once though.  Blew the pinion of the mini starter.  The cracked block, well....  I try to forget about that issue.  LOL.


New member
the fourth post in this thread has some heat exchangers for sale. Are these what we need to run a closed cooling system?


New member
Sharkbit said:
the fourth post in this thread has some heat exchangers for sale. Are these what we need to run a closed cooling system?

We would need 4" inch exchangers for a V8.


New member
Here is a really good looking setup for an LS based motor in a boat , but no pricing . I think I might send them an email and see what they have for exhaust .


Staff member
Just save yourself the headache and by the whole shebang. That way you will have 600 hp. Hell you will probably pass Randall with that motor. think.gif mite have to sell your first born to pay for it though! think.gif think.gif


New member
Last Mohican said:
spd500 said:
You think these would work with normal snails from another set of logs , or would you have to buy the other parts from them too ?

Nice find.  Those should work with any existing snail as long as it is the right diameter.  Snails come in more than one diameter.  Wonder what the actual cost would be after shipping from AU.

I looked it up and there are two options for shipping , 3-10 days or 2-3 months . $130 gets them here in 3-10 days , it was around $70 for the 2-3 month option . Seems odd to wait an extra two and a half months to save $60 .


New member
Patchman said:
Just save yourself the headache and by the whole shebang. That way you will have 600 hp. Hell you will probably pass Randall with that motor. think.gif mite have to sell your first born to pay for it though! think.gif think.gif

Can't sell the first born , I'm still making payments on her  think.gif


Staff member
spd500 said:
Patchman said:
Just save yourself the headache and by the whole shebang. That way you will have 600 hp. Hell you will probably pass Randall with that motor. think.gif mite have to sell your first born to pay for it though! think.gif think.gif

Can't sell the first born , I'm still making payments on her  think.gif
Rite! :smile27:


New member
spd500 said:
Here is a really good looking setup for an LS based motor in a boat , but no pricing . I think I might send them an email and see what they have for exhaust .

That cooling system is bad ass, but I don't care for the high mount. Seems fairly easy for a fabricator.


New member
Sharkbit said:
spd500 said:
Here is a really good looking setup for an LS based motor in a boat , but no pricing . I think I might send them an email and see what they have for exhaust .

That cooling system is bad A$$, but I don't care for the high mount. Seems fairly easy for a fabricator.

Mounts the coils below the exhaust too. I may look into doing that myself.