Wanted: Picklefork

The General

New member
Welcome to THB!!!

I have read all 4 pages of this thread and agree with just about everything posted. Here's my 2 cents...

Ride in as many different hulls as you can before buying.

Be very careful buying a boat you've never seen in person.

Resist the urge to buy a boat you drove along way to look at, if it's not 100% what you want. (i know the drive back home without a boat sucks)

Take a knowledgeable person with you to look at the boat.

You're price range increases the odds of getting a nice boat without hidden problems, but don't bet on it. These boats are money pits. (not trying to discourage you)

Hydro's don't equal death but do need smooth water (but look bitchin even on the trailer, where mine spends all it's time)

Plea Bargain's boat is one sweet ride, but less engine

Gullwings (TX-19's)... they aren't my favorite looking boat either, there are alot of them out there, but they are capable of being VERY fast and they do handle chop very well. One of my best friends has one and it is a Very smooth riding FAST boat, but they will get you wet if you don't know what you are doing.

Rogers Bonneville very nice looking boat, capable of going plenty fast when rigged right, plenty of room, excellent boat (wish i still had mine)

Southwind tunnel hull dragster... one of my all time favorite looking boats, absolutely beautiful hull. It is an air entrapment hull that was later improved by Placecraft. They are a lil heavy, not the smoothest ride, capable of being very fast with lots of horsepower, have heard stories of them swapping ends at real high speeds (i believe that's rare and at extreme triple digits). The one listed previously looked to be a good deal on a gorgeous boat if he was wanting to sell it in your price range.

Tunnel hull pickel forks like Cookies are smooth riding, awesome looks, plenty fast, plenty of room and you'd never regret buying one as clean as his

The General

New member
I forgot to mention in my rambling post (Jack and Coke) my DREAM boat is a 4 seater tunnel hull V-drive like Cookies but V-drive rather than a jet (such as a Cougar) best of ALL worlds (in my opinion), but alas they are not cheap


New member
I've riden in Cookieman's LIberator ,Charlies TX19, Rocky's Conally, and I own a Rogers Bonneville gullwing. I like diferent things about all the boats. I bought what I could afford at the time. I will say one thing carpet can hide a lot of sins. Check your stringers, transom ,and any thing else covered in carpet. If I wanted to pick up chicks and haul my friends I would look for a daycruser. I rode in Jackey Peebles daycruser "Happy Hooker" when I was younger and enough horsepower will move anything.


Active member
Heres Dukes old pickle fork, less motor


New member

There is three different tx-19s if your willing to drive to oklahoma... or maybe u could call and work something out with them


New member
i got this 1998 21 ft liberator w/ a bravo 1.asking more then u wont to spent but its all new with a new motor last summer,paint this winter,liberator rewired it and new gauges 2 months ago.i got around 30 grand in it.take 19.500.00


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J C Gordon

New member
I'm toying with the idea of selling my 85 Cougar pickle fork jet. Its 19' tunnel hull medium layup not too light and not too heavy. Berkley pump with droop and diverter bronze B cut impellar.  Has fresh paint only 2 weeks old.  It would be without current motor but I do have a 468 with 990 heads fresh from machine shop with new hardware forged dome pistons good rods and crank. its a short block with oilpan.  Pics are in members rides under J C Gordon. Hull and 468 would fit your budget. Comes with painted scoop also


New member
First post and it's spam but I'll stick around. You want a Pickle and want to cruise rough water? Want gas mileage and want  to cruise any speed(almost) and still be able to run 100+ ? I have what you need. It's not a jet or a v-drive altho they are cool in their own right. I have been asking $13,500 but have dropped the price to 10K firm. It's on CL in Phx.


BTW, ya'll have a great site here.


Couple of guys interested in it, and for $6500 I'd have grabbed it if my job was more secure.



New member
WTF is wrong with this boat> I am calling my buddy in socal tomorrow am to havehim take a look at it for me. Maybe a new boat soon


MR.  X said:
is that guy even here anymore? or did he leave the building like elvis and ghostrider :smile16: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16:

Impatient1? He left back in Dec pretty much, when the site kept screwing his computer up.


sturat said:
WTF is wrong with this boat> I am calling my buddy in socal tomorrow am to havehim take a look at it for me. Maybe a new boat soon

The guy selling it keeps dancing around taking any $$ for it. Tom has offered him what he's asking for it and got shipping arranged and the dude keeps letting tire kickers screw him around.


Yea. I was hoping he'd sell it to Tom so when he got tired of it he could sell it to me  :smile13:


sturat said:
I sent the dude a pm as I would buy it right now but have yet to hear fron him

Good luck with it. I think he's gonna try to sell it at some races this weekend out there.