What's going on with everyone?


New member
Blender Man said:
That should be good..I will set back and watch and drink the beers..HAHA You will spend more money on the tools and stuff vs what some one will charge you to do the work.. Just a couple of cents worth...

Ha Tools, the supplies alone will break you,  then you will have to take out a loan to pay for the tools, but in the end the satisfaction that that you did it is worth it, at least it is to my ignorant ass!!!


New member
SlowRyd said:
Ha Tools, the supplies alone will break you,  then you will have to take out a loan to pay for the tools, but in the end the satisfaction that that you did it is worth it, at least it is to my ignorant A$$!!!

Yepper, i want this one to be done by me, with a little help from friends but mostly my handy work. However bad it might be when done.
I have everything figured out on what to do now i jst have to do it. First step will take the seats to get covered and match my paint to them.


New member
Patchman said:
With the number of folks talking about going into their pumps, we need to have a pump building-garage type party.  When everyone is ready! :smile15:


Working out in this field boots wet feet wet to darn cold for this crap