Bracket Racing For Boaters.


New member
Last Mohican said:
hillbilly68 said:
Duanehydro said:
If your installing the energizer kit, and have enough pony's, I'll bet 72. clap.gif

we should all put in a 12 pack and get a pool going to how fast matt will be...winner takes all...... think.gif

Ya'll should do that.  I'll take 2 beers from each of you as juice.  LOL

lamo... clap.gif


New member
hillbilly68 said:
Carnivalride said:
hillbilly68 said:
HammerDown said:
hillbilly68 said:
HammerDown said:
I'm the slow guy.......on Thursday nights

yea but on saturday and sundays on okmulgee your the fastest one
Now dont start spreading rumors. Far as I know you and Don are the fastest. Ya'll are the only ones I seen race

rumors??? you blew by us last year like we were going backwards......remember when we lined (i think) 4 of us up?? who was the first one to the finish line by about 3-4 boat links???i know it wasn't me, don, or kevin,........

So you're warning me that he's trying to sucker me in for a beer wager huh?  think.gif

naaa, i think i gps'd him last year at about 48 mph.. :smile17:  you should be able to take him.....  :smile30:
Oh so you're into suckering me in too huh?  think.gif  48mph out of a 540 with Dart heads  whatever.gif


New member
Carnivalride said:
hillbilly68 said:
Carnivalride said:
hillbilly68 said:
HammerDown said:
hillbilly68 said:
HammerDown said:
I'm the slow guy.......on Thursday nights

yea but on saturday and sundays on okmulgee your the fastest one
Now dont start spreading rumors. Far as I know you and Don are the fastest. Ya'll are the only ones I seen race

rumors??? you blew by us last year like we were going backwards......remember when we lined (i think) 4 of us up?? who was the first one to the finish line by about 3-4 boat links???i know it wasn't me, don, or kevin,........

So you're warning me that he's trying to sucker me in for a beer wager huh?  think.gif

naaa, i think i gps'd him last year at about 48 mph.. :smile17:  you should be able to take him.....  :smile30:
Oh so you're into suckering me in too huh?  think.gif  48mph out of a 540 with Dart heads  whatever.gif

its a real heavy boat plus it had 2 big fat guys in it, its a wonder it even got up to that speed if i was'nt helping by paddling it would have prolly only been bout 42 mph.... :smile29:


New member
it would take a six pack of oklahoma beer to equal 1 kansas or texas beer. My boat is slow and my beer is weak. I got nothing going for me

Last Mohecian

HammerDown said:
it would take a six pack of oklahoma beer to equal 1 kansas or texas beer. My boat is slow and my beer is weak. I got nothing going for me

I don't know about your boat but your beer is weak.  That might partially explain how that no armed midget on a bar stool was drinking it out of a straw that night.  think.gif


New member
'78 Crusader said:
OMG, it is hilarious!! Read the Broken Bow thread on the North section.
Are you the same cliff that txt me the other night and I asked who it was. Something. About motor lookin nice??

Last Mohecian

HammerDown said:
A no armed midget. That sounds like a story in the makin right there.

True Story.  Seen it with my own eyes at the "Ace in The Hole" North of Broken Bow on 259.  A buddy and I were up there fly fishing about 10 years ago. We stopped in for couple of beers and low an behold there he was.

Last Mohecian

HammerDown said:
'78 Crusader said:
OMG, it is hilarious!! Read the Broken Bow thread on the North section.
Are you the same cliff that txt me the other night and I asked who it was. Something. About motor lookin nice??

LOL.  I got $20 says he is.  It's his way of luring you toward the hot tub.  He tried that shit on me too.  LOL


HammerDown said:
'78 Crusader said:
OMG, it is hilarious!! Read the Broken Bow thread on the North section.
Are you the same cliff that txt me the other night and I asked who it was. Something. About motor lookin nice??

Yep, that was me!! I guess Hillbilly did a group text of his motor and when I replied to it, the reply went to all of the original recipients. Good to meet you bro!!

Last Mohecian

'78 Crusader said:
Last Mohican said:
LOL.  I got $20 says he is.  It's his way of luring you toward the hot tub.  he tried that shit on me too.  LOL

Lol, dude!!!! WTF??

Just couldn't pass up the opportunity to remind everyone how you broke back Ford guys are.  :tongue:  First you talk all nice to us in a random text.  Then you blame it on some group text thing.  Next thing you know your putting a bag on our head and throwing us into a van to take us to your cabin with a hot tub.  :smile20: :smile20: :smile20:


New member
I don't know man. Matt is sure fixated on that hot tub.. It just won't die.....

But the one armed midget is the funniest piece of thread I've ever read on a board.


New member
HammerDown said:
'78 Crusader said:
OMG, it is hilarious!! Read the Broken Bow thread on the North section.
Are you the same cliff that txt me the other night and I asked who it was. Something. About motor lookin nice??

I got that text too. Since my motor was on the stand and rusty at the time I figured it was a "reply to all" thing on David's text.


Matt has a fantasy of being kidnapped and taken for a ride in a VAN, down            By        The        River!!!

Last Mohecian

:Cue the banjos: