Jetavator vs. Place Diverter


New member
KONA said:
Gas-Hole said:
KONA said:
i see this thread was about jetavator vs placediverter,  my understanding of the jetavator was for trimming the boat and not so much about rooster tails,  i've seen one jetavator that did a nice rooster tail,  but it was modified guite abit,  if i was wanting a rooster tail then my choice would be a placediverter on a spit bowl so i could wedge it to give the effect i was looking for... just my .02 worth  :smile16:
Jet-O-Vator, Spit bowl, wedge. Trims Boat well and has nice tail!

sweet,  now i want to see a pic of the pump to see if it's really a jetavator... :smile16: :smile16: :smile17:

Here it is. If I am wrong so are all the people that have called it a Jet-O-Vator!


New member
Gas-Hole said:
KONA said:
could be wrong but that looks like a placediverter
OK, Now you make me go look for info! I have been calling it a JetO!  :smile29:

sorry about that but it don't look like the one i saw,  unless they are different from pump to pump from berk,  the one i was checking out was on a F bowl....

but it does look like the placediverter brand  think.gif


New member
KONA said:
Gas-Hole said:
KONA said:
could be wrong but that looks like a placediverter
OK, Now you make me go look for info! I have been calling it a JetO!  :smile29:

sorry about that but it don't look like the one i saw,  unless they are different from pump to pump from berk,  the one i was checking out was on a F bowl....

but it does look like the placediverter brand  think.gif
No problem! I am All about learning new things and here is what I found;

Quote = The true difference is that an original  JetOVator trims before it steers vs a Place Diverter Trim which steers first then trims (serious design differences) A JetOvator takes more complicted rigging to effect trim and beyond the used market there are virtually no repair parts avaiable for it as they havent been made in 20 plus years , A Place diverter is to a JetOVator as an AR15 is to an older bolt action rifle ,they  both have value and merit and both have function but  the modern diverter is far more efficiant and just plain works better


New member
Gas-Hole said:
So now I will go sit in the corner so I will learn!

lol,  :grin:  just makin sure that there wasn't something i ain't seen before,  i'm sure still on the learnin curve  :smile28:


Well-known member
Gas-Hole said:
OK, Now you make me go look for info! I have been calling it a JetO!  :smile29:

You have an older model(I think) Place diverter. I say older because if I'm not mistaken, the newer ones don't have the reverse "chute" pointing downwards. Here is an old pic of mine, before I changed it over to a G bowl..


New member
Here are the parts that I have . I also have a box of various brackets and pump parts , but I dont think any of them are for the divertor .

The basic divertor parts

The regular steering nozzle

The handle

Looks like it might have a Devilman boost mod


New member
I know I am missing the brackets for the cables , and it needs an o-ring , but other than that it is fairly complete as far as I can tell . Is it worth getting the rest of the pieces to be able to use this one , or should I just start looking for a complete setup ?


New member
I also have all the same parts for a Jetovator as well , but none of the brackets . Kinda strange , but thats what the boat came with .


New member
that stuff is place diverter, if you had a jetovator i would have electrical componets, i would find the needed parts which shouldnt be to hard, when my jetovator craps out and i cant find a replacement im going to convert to manual.


New member
that first pic does look like a berk jetovator,  but looks like there is a bracket missing  think.gif

the last time i looked at Berk parts on their web site,  parts were availible as replacement parts but not as an assemble,    speeking for myself and did not have all the parts for a berk jetavator,  i would install the placediverter,  but that's me  :smile16:


New member
None of the pics I posted are of the parts that I was told were for a Jetovator , they are of the parts I was told were for a Place divertor . I will go snap a few of the parts that I was told were for the Jetovator and post them up in  a few min . 


New member
I broke a tiller arm last year and got a used one from Tom at JBP. He has alot of used parts as well as new.


New member
KONA said:
that first pic does look like a berk jetovator,  but looks like there is a bracket missing  think.gif

the last time i looked at Berk parts on their web site,  parts were availible as replacement parts but not as an assemble,    speeking for myself and did not have all the parts for a berk jetavator, i would install the placediverter,  but that's me  :smile16:
i think jetavators are like dinosaurs!And the old ones ive seen dont seem to have as much travel as a place diverter. :smile30:


Well-known member
TintMan said:
i think jetavators are like dinosaurs!And the old ones ive seen dont seem to have as much travel as a place diverter. :smile30:

Right on both counts.... :smile17: