Jetavator vs. Place Diverter


New member
so what is this one ? I'm confused ...



New member
blazeracer said:
That's no E-pump. The steering cable is on the wrong side.

Here's my E with a Place diverter.

you may want to look again,  it's been modified to use a C or G bowl steering with that  diverter  :smile16:


New member
spd500 said:
I do have the reverse bucket for the Place parts , but none of the arms .

just thought i would let you know that all of the arms are on ebay right now, just type in place diverter and thats the only thing on ebay.

Last Mohecian

KONA said:
blazeracer said:
That's no E-pump. The steering cable is on the wrong side.

Here's my E with a Place diverter.

you may want to look again,  it's been modified to use a C or G bowl steering with that  diverter  :smile16:

X2.  E pump, early style Place diverter and C or G style steering.


New member
Yeah, I was wrong, it wasn't an F either. Well, it could be as they are both insert pumps but the steering is in the same location on both. I was thinking that maybe I might to that C nozzle convert to mine. I think the E nozzle is slightly smaller than a C nozzle which is why I have pressure loss at the droop. The nozzle is not even close to snug and water shoots out all around it. I posted up that question about E and C nozzle size on JBP and got no answer.