Found some info on putting the 6.0 heads on a 5.3 last night. It CAN be done but it lowers the compression ratio quite a bit. If you want to turbo the crap out of engine they are a good choice. I'll be sticking with the stock heads, but massage them a little bit on the innards.
Gonna use the stock truck intake also if I stay EFI. An LS6 intake will only get about 12hp over the truck one, and the FAST another 10 on top of that AND those gains are at ridiculous RPM's. A NOS shot for less $$$$ will easily add 100hp or more at any RPM.
Read another one this morning where a dude took a stock bottom end 5.3 with a cam, push rods and a FAST intake on a 150 shot and chassis dynoed his S10 at 458hp/470 something on torque. He was at about 325hp NA at the REAR WHEELS. In a boat with no accessories, a cam with springs, should get a solid 350-370 NA with no problem.