Stuff you need to switch over to an LSX platform.


New member
Even with shipping it seems like alot better setup for a covered engine boat than any of the other options I have seen . Probably add $100 or more to ship them , but thats just a guess .


New member
Have you looked at the MSD 6010 Controller for the LS motors ? That looks like it might be a really good option for an easy setup , and you can program it from your laptop . It supports EFI or carb setup , and they have one for both configurations of the LS motors . It looks like the setup will cost about the same as you are going to have to spend on modding the stock harness , and it comes with a harness .

Last Mohecian

spd500 said:
Have you looked at the MSD 6010 Controller for the LS motors ? That looks like it might be a really good option for an easy setup , and you can program it from your laptop . It supports EFI or carb setup , and they have one for both configurations of the LS motors . It looks like the setup will cost about the same as you are going to have to spend on modding the stock harness , and it comes with a harness .

That only controls ignition not fuel delivery.


New member
Yeah , I know , but it supports the ignition system for EFI motors . I guess if you want to run EFI you still need the other computer . I like the idea for a carb setup , but not sure what it would take for EFI .

Last Mohecian

spd500 said:
Yeah , I know , but it supports the ignition system for EFI motors . I guess if you want to run EFI you still need the other computer . I like the idea for a carb setup , but not sure what it would take for EFI .

Exactly.  It would work well with an aftermarket EFI system.  It would be easier to use a stock computer with the factory EFI system.


New member
I have been looking at possibly doing a carbed setup for my boat , didnt really think about the fuel system . Do you get better power from the EFI than if you just carb it ?


New member
Check this out ! They make a dizzy drive to run a Ford distributor in the LS motors  jump.gif You can run an LS with no computer at all  jump.gif

Last Mohecian

spd500 said:
Check this out ! They make a dizzy drive to run a Ford distributor in the LS motors  jump.gif You can run an LS with no computer at all  jump.gif

Yeah that deal is pretty cool but more expensive than the MSD-6LS.  Plus with the 6LS you maintain the more efficient coil pack setup.


New member
Maybe a cheaper exhaust setup for guys with covered engines ?


New member
I'll stick with the PCM manifolds that have the risers on top. They're supposed to be able flow better, in the rumor mill anyway. Here's all the parts on one page, but they can all be had cheaper by googling the part numbers. I think I was able to track it all down for under $750 shipped.

See the shape of the riser gasket? That's why those nice pretty stainless risers someone posted up wont work. There is a kit available also to install an O2 bung in the risers BEFORE the bend where the exhaust is dry so you can run closed loop. But again, open loop will work fine in a jet boat. I won't be using any O2 sensors at all.

That MSD is what you have to have if you're gonna carb your motor, in addition to a pricey intake manifold. When all that's done, running stock EFI with the modded harness will only be maybe $100 more, if at all. Then adding nitrous or a contrifugal blower just needs a few mouse clicks to get it tuned with EFI.

Last Mohecian

spd500 said:
Check this out ! They make a dizzy drive to run a Ford distributor in the LS motors  jump.gif You can run an LS with no computer at all  jump.gif

Just wanted to say it's cool to see someone else considering the GM LS platform and excited about it.


New member
Last Mohican said:
spd500 said:
Check this out ! They make a dizzy drive to run a Ford distributor in the LS motors  jump.gif You can run an LS with no computer at all  jump.gif

Just wanted to say it's cool to see someone else considering the GM LS platform and excited about it.

i think he's more excited about being able to put a ford part on that GM LS,,, it's gonna need all the help it can get  :smile16:


New member
KONA said:
Last Mohican said:
spd500 said:
Check this out ! They make a dizzy drive to run a Ford distributor in the LS motors  jump.gif You can run an LS with no computer at all  jump.gif

Just wanted to say it's cool to see someone else considering the GM LS platform and excited about it.

i think he's more excited about being able to put a ford part on that GM LS,,, it's gonna need all the help it can get  :smile16:

Actually , I am thinking the MSD box with a carbed intake is going to be the best way to go . There is no point in getting a bullet proof motor like the LS motor and intentionally installing a weak point . If I were to go the Dizzy route I would still not be using a Ford part , I would be using an aftermarket , but it makes the motor look bad . The adapter kit puts the dizzy in the wrong spot .



New member
IDEA!!! find ford 351w OT headers cut off the flanges and weld on LSx flanges!!!!

here is a pic on how good the ls flanges work on 351w headers.

Gold Member

New member
I guess the guys that designed the newer chevy motor for the cup cars realised that ford had it in the right spot all along lol!


New member
Motor Head said:
I guess the guys that designed the newer chevy motor for the cup cars realised that ford had it in the right spot all along lol!

:smile16:  and it sounds like they copied the heads too....  crazy.gif


New member
Motor Head said:
I guess the guys that designed the newer chevy motor for the cup cars realised that ford had it in the right spot all along lol!

If you have a motor that you are going to work on every time you run it , then the dizzy in the front is a great thing to have . The cup guys have money to burn , so they rebuild every race . The Ford guys also have to work on 'em every time they run , but more because they break every time out . The rest of us don't have that problem , so the dizzy in the back is just fine for us .

Last Mohecian

vdrivegrimes said:
IDEA!!! find ford 351w OT headers cut off the flanges and weld on LSx flanges!!!!

here is a pic on how good the ls flanges work on 351w headers.

That is exactly what Sandeggo did.  He talks about it briefly in this thread.